Monday, November 10, 2008

Bush Deregulates

There are 70 days left until Barack Obama takes over the White House and the Presidency.  In that time, there is so much that Bush can do to screw the American people - and he's not wasting any time.  The Deregulator is working hard (for once), easing restrictions and language on rules and regulations governing pollution and land usage.  Some of these changes are:
  1. A change in the definition of solid waste that would exempt approximately 1.5 million tons of hazardous waste from rules governing its labeling, transportation, and disposal.
  2. It is now voluntary for animal farms to apply for permits to discharge waste into waterways - and the companies decide if they pollute enough to warrant a permit.
  3. There is under consideration the removal of Congress's power to control uranium mining, which is currently being used to limit mining near the Grand Canyon.
  4. There is under consideration a rule change in power plant emissions controls that would change emissions limits to an hourly limit, thereby actually increasing overall emissions.
  5. There is under consideration the removal of a requirement that the Fish and Wildlife Service evaluate federally approved mining, logging, and power plant projects for their impacts on endangered species.  Instead, the federal agencies that issue the permits would decide on their own.
There is so much more Bush could do, and probably will try to do.  Bush is also trying to make it harder for consumers to sue companies for providing faulty products, such as bad motorcycle brakes and pain medications.  The lawsuit-protection language Bush wants could be devastating to consumers who were injured by blatant negligence on the part of the companies.  In the next 70 days, we need to be on the lookout for Bush's sneaky attempts to change the laws to suit him and his cronies.  Obama's presidency should not only be about fixing what Bush did wrong - he needs to have some time to focus on his initiatives to better the lives of all Americans.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is sad that Bush is now working hard to do many things that he shouldve done during his presidency. I guess this is his way for "apologizing" for his mistakes, but where was this when he was president.Now he is practically out of office all he can do is be remembered for the little things he tried to do before leaving (how sad).