Sunday, May 31, 2009

Try Cooking For Once

First Lady Michelle Obama has used her position in the White House to encourage America to eat healthier by growing a home garden. But what about cooking your own meals?

Growing your own fruits and veggies is great, and I commend Mrs. Obama for encouraging America to do so. But cooking your own meal is also crucial to eating healthy. And I don't mean heating some water and making instant soup. I mean making a meal entirely from scratch, where you cut your vegetables (which you picked up yourself) and choose your seasonings and use your pots and pans and stove and oven to create a meal that you were intimately involved in from start to finish and so can see what is or isn't healthy about it.

I was brought up in a household where I was expected to cook entire meals, both for myself and my family, since I was in 9th grade. I started simple, with spagghetti and sauce, and worked my way up to stir-fry with a dozen different vegetables and seasonings. As a result, I feel deprived when I have to go long periods of time without cooking, and I don't like not knowing what's in my meal.

Unfortunately, it seems like I may be in the minority with this exerience. According to a New York Times Op-Ed article, "research by the NPD Group showed that Americans ate takeout meals an average of 125 times a year in 2008, up from 72 a year in 1983. And a recent U.C.L.A. study of 32 working families found that the subjects viewed cooking from scratch as a kind of rarefied hobby...[and] according to a 2008 NPD study, of all supper entrees “cooked” at home, just 58 percent were prepared with raw ingredients".

These statistics are appalling. Cooking is a hobby now? Not for me or my family, it isn't. Besides being healthy, cooking is a way to spend quality time with family, chatting is a neutral zone while working together to create a delicious and healthy meal for yourself. Some of my fondest memories are of me and my parents and siblings working together to create a dinner, listening to Garrison Keillor's A Prarie Home Companion. Laughing together, talking about the day, making plans together for the week: that's what cooking means to me.

So come on Mrs. Obama. You've got the bully pulpit here - and the press already loves you and yours - so use this opportunity and show people how to love to cook. And since "cooking isn't one of [your] huge things", maybe you could work with your White House Chefs (who must love to cook) to show the American People how to make simple, healthy meals.

Maybe this metaphor is more appropriate for your basketball-playing husband, but the ball's in your court now.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Church: Pro-(Embryonic)-Life, Screw Everyone Else

According to a recent article on The Huffington Post, a scandal has just been uncovered in which Irish children, both boys and girls, had been sexually, emotionally, and physically abused at religious children's homes run by the Church. Many of the children were abandoned by parents who could not afford to take care of them or because of the unbearable negative social pressure accorded to the children being born out of wedlock. At these "shelters", the children were horribly treated, as if they had no value, were just tools. The boys were subjected to:
"Punching, flogging, assault and bodily attacks, kicking, head shaving, beating on the soles of the feet, burning, scalding, stabbing, being made to kneel and stand in fixed positions for lengthy periods, hosed down with cold water before being beaten, beaten while hanging from hooks on the wall, being set upon by dogs, being restrained in order to be beaten, physical assaults by more than one person, and having objects thrown at them."

The girls had just as bad a time.  They were "treated as slaves, laboring up to 7 hours a day... were routinely sexually abused, often by more than one person at a time."

If the Church were truly "pro-life", it would take care of life after it left the womb.  Instead, all it cares about is protecting the fetus's life.  Afterwards, screw it, just more fodder for the priest-abuse machine.  The children's shelters won't even release the names of those involved, because the criminals of the religious order are more important than those they are charged with caring for.

How can the Church possibly claim the right to tell us how to live our lives and what is moral when its  own members don't live by the morals they preach?  Maybe this is why the youth of today are so disillusioned with organized religion.  (see post below)  It's all just a bunch of bullshit.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Palin: She Really Does Suck

During the presidential campaign of 2008, the Republican's VP choice of Sarah Palin scared many Democrats, who opposed her for many reasons - her politics, her ideology, and the cynical view that McCain seemed to have of the electorate, to name a few.  Many pointed out that she would not make a good vice president, because she just did not have the experience, or maybe even the knowledge, to be able to hold that position.  I'd say, those fears have been validated, based upon her speech and actions about the stimulus package that's coming to Alaska.

The package is coming to Alaska, and Palin has held the position that she will veto the money - even though everyone else in Alaska wants the money, and desperately.  It will create and save thousands of jobs, but yet she holds on to her position of veto or bust.

In the latest run-up, the Alaska Legislature has held several hearings and meetings to examine if her "fears" have any basis, but yet she was absent for all of them - and there were no issues found with the stimulus, just good money for good projects.  Even the Republicans, who seem to be of the opinion that anything Obama is evil, are on board and ready for the cash.  So Palin backtracks, says she can't say how it will turn out, and tries to point other issues with the package, which are then debunked by the legislature, yet again.

Palin has backed herself into a political corner that even smooth-talking Obama couldn't explain his way out of.  No matter what she does, she'll either be hated for vetoing a crucial stimulus package, or she'll be caught 'flip-flopping' on her position and 'caving in'.  No wonder the Republicans have all dropped her like a hot potato - she's a political liability these days.  

Maybe this is why we all despised her when McCain chose her as VP - even then, we could tell that she was no good.  Even Alaskans agree.  Her approval ratings have taken a nose dive since July of 2008, just before McCain chose her.  From a high of 80% favorable and 15% unfavorable, she has fallen to a low of 55% favorable and 42% unfavorable.  Ouch.

She's also had other problems, beside the stimulus inconsistency.  She had: a dozen ethics complaints (which she is still fighting, to a current cost of $500,00), an inappropriate pick for Attorney General that crashed and burned (with her getting some of the embers), a war with the Senate Democrats over appointments, trying to force out a US Senator and denying it when caught, attending a right-to-life dinner party instead of the final legislative session, and many other things that she blamed the bloggers for.

Well.  That's quite a resumé, Governor Palin.  Only, I don't think it's a resumé that you want to apply for a job with.  A job like the presidency, which she seemed to think was within reach.  Only now, she's sunk.  I doubt she'll be able to hold the governorship in the next election.  

Bottom Line: Sarah Palin sucks.  She's unfit to rule.  The evidence is out there for everybody to see in Alaska, and I'm just glad that the voters came to their senses and elected Obama and Biden.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Abstinence and the Media: Mixed Messages

There are many people who believe that abstinence-only education is the only way to go about teaching sex-ed.  But they are up against a far thicker wall than they may realize.  The Candies Foundation, which is an organization that raises awareness about teen preganancies, recently hired Bristol Palin as a spokeswoman.  This in itself demonstrates just how ridiculous the whole abstinence-only sex-ed movement is in today's world.

First: Bristol Palin has a child - and she lives in a wealthy family that can help her raise the child.  Not only is she living proof that abstinence-only can be unrealistic, but her home life is completely unlike the average teen mother, who would most likely drop out of school, take a job to support herself, and be living in a broken home.

Second - The Candies Foundation is a philanthropic arm of Candie's clothing company.  If you haven't seen what they model as teen clothing, take a look.  It's anything but abstinence.  The clothing is scanty, and the poses are sexy.  Trust me, as a teenage guy, if a girl dresses is those outfits, abstinence is the first thing leaving my mind.  And what kind of self-image would a girl have if she wore those clothes?  Not an abstinent one, that's for sure.

Third - Bristol Palin's advice falls on the wrong ears.  She goes on TV, on talk shows, that only air while school is in session.  The people she is trying to reach can't even see her!  Besides which, I don't know any teens who watch MSNBC or The Today Show all that frequently (or ever, in my case).  Who is going to see her are the parents, who are in all likeliness already trying to keep their kids abstinent.  And we all know how effective the parents are - because Bristol Palin really listened to her mom, right?

Fourth - The mass media in general doesn't seem opposed to teen pregnancies.  Think about popular TV shows, or movies.  For example, Juno.  The main female character gets pregnant,and isn't even in love with the guy she had sex with until the end of the movie.  Then, when she tells her parents, the reaction is something like, "Well, I'm just glad it isn't drugs."  Right, that's an average reaction to a teen pregnancy.  And then, she rejects the idea of an abortion and finds, first try, a couple willing to adopt her baby.  Just like that, and the movie ends happy.  She doesn't drop out of school, doesn't need to get a job to support herself, just has the baby and is done.

OK, so the media does not actually seem to really be working hard in favor of abstinence.  What is realistic?  Maybe teaching other methods of safe sex as well as abstinence?  Yeah, abstinence is the most effective method of preventing disease and pregnancy (duh!), but it can be unrealistic, especially in today's pop culture.  In that case, teens have the right to know how to protect themselves safely.  

That should be enough to satisfy those who seem so concerned about teen pregnancy, but yet, abstinence programs always leave out the crucial information about how to protect yourself if abstinence is unrealistic.  What's worse, is that abstinence programs always demean and lie about other safe sex methods.  One example is when Pope Benedict declared that condom use can make the HIV problem in Africa worse.   What???!!  Condoms, one of the few proven methods of preventing disease transmission and preventing pregnancy to the tune of a 90-95% success rate, is now being dismissed by the Pope?  WTF!  

Abstinence-only sex-ed is unrealistic, but what's worse is not teaching other safe sex methods, and then demeaning them.  That's like teaching someone that the best way to perform CPR is to pray, and that using an AED will only make the heart attack worse.

Just ridiculous.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Who Needs Religion? Not The Youth.

According to a recent study conducted by Harvard University professor Robert Putnam, the percentage of young Americans who do not affiliate with an organized religion has grown exponentially.  Historically, it has been between 5 and 10 percent; his study pegs the number at 30 to 40 percent.  However, those polled did not necessarily state that they were atheist; they just did not affiliate with Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, or any of their respective branches.  (The Huffington Post, May 9 2009)

Frankly, I'm not surprised at all.  Who needs religion now, when all we see of it is hypocrisy and mixed messages?  Each religion preaches tolerance in its respective holy books, but yet the Middle East is a breeding ground of hatred and warfare.  At home, Obama had to fight rumors that he was a "secret Muslim", as if being a Muslim was a disqualification for the Presidency.  A politician, who was Muslim, had to fight to be able to swear into office on the Koran instead of the bible.  Religion preaches that we must help our neighbors and those worse off than us, but yet the wealthiest countries barely pay more than a lip service of aid to struggling nations.  Don't get me started on the priest sex abuse scandals - who wants to be part of a religion that has that history in its culture?  We are a nation that prides itself on religious tolerance, but yet we must swear in on a bible, and swear allegiance to the flag of a nation "under God".

In addition to the recent study, there was also an article in The Huffington Post about some churches that have used false advertising to get children baptised.  Apparently, these churches have a history of luring children into baptisms through false claims that baptisms can save the children from bee stings or through "carnivals" that require a baptism for attendance.  This is just one more nail in the coffin of my examples as to why religion has begun losing out on the youth of America.  Luring children into baptisms with "carnivals" and "bee sting immunity" is just sick and desperate.

I could go on and on about all that has shown itself to be false in religion.  Personally, I have never identified with an organized religion.  I identify myself as "culturally Jewish" - I don't practice the religion of Judaism, but my ancestors are Jewish, and so I respect that part of my heritage.  I also identify myself as atheist, because I find that science is more trustworthy than religion in that Evolution and the Big Bang can almost be proven beyond a doubt, and it just makes more sense to me.  (Hey, whatever you believe is fine with me, I'm just writing my opinion - take it or leave it, fine.)  My problem with religion is that someone is given too much power, to tell you how best to morally live your life.  I'd rather figure that out myself, thank you very much.

So if the youth of America don't like organized religion, what do we like?  Tara Stiles of The Huffington Post posits that there may be an upswing of interest in a more spiritual path, through yoga and meditiation.  That seems to make a lot of sense, especially since for someone disillusioned by the large establishment of religion, spirituality through yoga and meditation can be achieved by yourself or in a small group.

Personally, and here again you can completely disagree with me, I am glad to see this change.  In my opinion, the major organized religions are way too powerful and hold way too much sway over peoples' lives.  This is a great change, a great way for people to take back control over their lives.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

write or remain silent: Barack Obama

I liked senator Barack Obama’s speech. Knowing all the things he's gone through to get where he his.When he said that his candidacy was about us, and not about him. That let me know he was looking out for our interest and benefits. Also when he said he'd eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow.Cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95% of all working families. Because in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle-class. The most important things he said that will benefit our country has a whole was that he has president will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow.Investment in things that will lead to new industries and open five million new jobs that pay well and can't ever be outsourced. Invest in early childhood education. Recruit an army of new teachers, and pay them higher salaries and give them more support. And in exchange, I'll ask for higher standards and more accountability. And we will keep our promise to every young American - if you commit to serving your community or your country, we will make sure you can afford a college education. After hearing Obama's speech it got me more amped to vote and with all the support from his wife Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton I feel there is a good chance that this November Barack Obama could win this election.

Is John McCain desperate: SNL

Is John McCain so desperate to win the 2008 presidential election that he'll do anything? Even help make fun of his own VP pick, Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live?" Really? It's weird I can't see Barack Obama making fun of Joe Biden. Anyways during SNL McCain speaking about not having enough money to afford a prime time infomercial like Obama. Tina Fey's as Palin even pushes a set Joe Action Figures: Joe Six Pack, Joe the Plumber and Joe Biden. Minutes later, Sarah goes rogue, pushing her line of "Palin in 2012" T-shirts while McCain is off camera he asks what's going on? Did McCain go too far appearing in a skit that makes fun of his running mate? Or not far enough? He took a desperate attempt to boost his campaign but will it cost him the win? or help him lose?This skit wasn't to long ago, will people remember his desperate attempt voting tomorrow? Guess we'll see.

Big rating on SNL: Sarah Palin

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin earned SNL the biggest ratings in 14 years. Over 17million people for the first half-hour, when Fey's Palin first came out. "Did you catch Sarah Palin on 'SNL'?" McCain asked a crowd in Toledo, Ohio. "She did a great job." In the show's opening, Fey's Palin said at a news conference: "First off, I just want to say how excited I am to be in front of both the liberal elite media, as well as the liberal regular media. I am looking forward to a portion of your questions." Moments later, the camera cut away to the real Palin watching a television monitor alongside the show's executive producer, Lorne Michaels. "Saturday Night Live" had been reluctant to do so, feeling embarrassed when it announced Barack Obama would show up for the season's first show and he canceled hours ahead of time, but the early word created heavy anticipation. Michaels owes Palin a debt of gratitude. "Saturday Night Live" so far this season has been up 76 percent over last year at this time, Nielsen said. Even beyond that, the Fey skits have gone viral over the Internet, drawing more attention to the show. One study last week said only one-third of people who had seen Fey's impersonations did so on live TV; the rest saw them on DVRs or on their computers. Will the Sarah Palin phenomenon continue after tomorrows election? If the republican lose will there still be more skits on governor Palin? Who knows what will happen, we'll see towards the days to come.

John McCain: 7 more states

McCain on monday gave a speech in Miami, Florida to over 10 ,000 Cuban American conservatives. Saying there is one more day left until we take America in a new direction. Earlier that day he spoke in Tampa with a few less people but alot of cheers and enthusiasm. McCain spoke to the people saying with this kinda of intensity we will win florida and win the elections. Next he flow over to the Tennessee Virginia border. To make sure the Virginia turns red, even with Obama trailing ahead in Virginia with electrol votes of 51% to 47%, McCain is counting on GOP, the get out the vote ground game.Sarah Palin trys to work her magic in Ohio knowing the GOP must win there, she said she could feel it that we could win this. Mccain makes one more stop to Pennsylvania before flying to Indiana then to New Mexico where he will travel some 34000 miles before going to Nevada and Arizona. This was on Monday it is now November 4th and the elections has started. Did making those last stops for the electrol votes help? or did they hurt his chances? We'll see today.

Sarah Palin: Votes in Alaska

Shes speaks with fox news saying how proud she is to be able to vote and exercise her right to vote and everything else that our great nation has to offer for todays elections. She says tomorrow she hopes to be Vice President and be able to get right into working to help us Americans. Fox's news asks governor Palin who she's voting for and she says she doesnt have to say, she has her right to privacy that's the great thing about America. She then talks about the differences between Alaska and Washington, that Alaska has cleaned up the corruption and turned their government around. That that's what she hopes to do if she Vice President, change the wallstreet mayhem in Washington with refinement and fine tuning. Governor Palin says she knows that this election will be one of the most historical moments for America.That it bolds well for us no matter which side prevails, that through shatter glasses (9/11) we stand. They ask more questions on her past she answers and then she leaves. Will this update on Sarah Palin change the minds of some voters? or not? We'll find out November 5th, if the Republicans win.

Voters concern

Problems have been reported with vote machines in parts of Connecticut and in Palm Beach County, Florida that 450 voting machines have been rejecting ballots because people are not selecting the second form of the ballot that has florida state amendment. People want to know what happens when you ballot is rejected? there's no retake. They dont want another Algore mishap, so an expert of the public policy group from NYU says it's a new protection for the formum after the elections in 2006 for states like Florida that have had problems in the past. So that if a person forgets to vote for a race they have a chance to fix it. That's why the voting machines have these protections. The problem in florida is that people leave before the ballots get spits out and dont know that it was. Are those ballots thrown away? or keep to the side? NYU expert says they should be saved and counted later not thrown away. Another big problem that have people concern especially in Philly is that some Democratic monitors had kicked out some GOP election monitors saying your the minority you dont get to monitor this vote. NYU expert says it varies from state to state, that it's unlikely for the majority party to kick out the minority party. Will people know if their ballot will be counted if it was spit out? or will it be another mishap like in 2006?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

College Professors Are Losing Out

Tenure.  Such a big, fancy-sounding word, sure to get you some significant Scrabble points.  Yet, without it, you're screwed.

According to a recent story in The Huffington Post, there are many college professors who are losing their jobs - such as they are - in this time of economic downturn.  These professors, known officially as "adjunct professors", are, literally, temps.  They are brilliant men and women, with PHDs and publications and decades of experience and research behind them, that are hired like WalMart employees.  They are hired part-time, given no benefits, skimpy pay, and can be let go at a moments' notice.

Some examples from the article:
  • A writer who taught for more than twenty years at a private Southern California college was paid so little, he had to work the graveyard shift at airport gift shops.
  • Another professor made a 4 hour commute to teach a class for 27 years, but was only paid $3,000 a semester.  Now, he's lost his job because the school could hire someone for less, in this terrible economy.

So why do these colleges and universities, that ask for 40 or 50 grand a semester take such advantage over these people?  Simply put, because they can.  There are no laws or regulations backing up the professors, they have no unions to fight for them, and there are always others who would eagerly take their jobs if they could.  It's like swimming upstream with no arms or legs-impossible.  The professors are helpless against the power of the institution.

These colleges and universities, that bill themselves as "guardians of knowledge" and "champions of the arts", are really no better than the chain box stores that screw their employees to give the CEOs a few million more.  At least with WalMart, the employees they're screwing are in a position where the job is all they've got - the schools are screwing some of the most brilliant people of our time, who are responsible for the education of the youth of America.  I'd say, at the very least they deserve some compensation for their work.