Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sarah Palin: Votes in Alaska

Shes speaks with fox news saying how proud she is to be able to vote and exercise her right to vote and everything else that our great nation has to offer for todays elections. She says tomorrow she hopes to be Vice President and be able to get right into working to help us Americans. Fox's news asks governor Palin who she's voting for and she says she doesnt have to say, she has her right to privacy that's the great thing about America. She then talks about the differences between Alaska and Washington, that Alaska has cleaned up the corruption and turned their government around. That that's what she hopes to do if she Vice President, change the wallstreet mayhem in Washington with refinement and fine tuning. Governor Palin says she knows that this election will be one of the most historical moments for America.That it bolds well for us no matter which side prevails, that through shatter glasses (9/11) we stand. They ask more questions on her past she answers and then she leaves. Will this update on Sarah Palin change the minds of some voters? or not? We'll find out November 5th, if the Republicans win.

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