Saturday, November 1, 2008

Palin Prank Called

How did a few Canadian comedians get Sarah Palin's phone number?

Palin became the victim of a prank call claiming to be the French President Sarkozy inviting her to go on hunting trips together and praising her as a political figure.  Palin reportedly did not know she was being put on, despite blatant efforts by the prank caller, a member of the Masked Avengers, a pair of Canadian comedians know for their prank calls to public figures (AP).

Palin is not the first to be pranked by the Masked Avengers.  In 2006, former French President Jaques Chirac was fooled into thinking he was being addressed by Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper (Wilson, OneNews).

Obviously, no one would have tried to pull this off on McCain and have expected him to take it with good humor as it appears Palin has due to the fact that her campaign spokeswoman is openly and light-heartedly confirming that the call did take place.  It's hard to interpret whether they chose Palin because of her naivety, her close proximity to Canada, or the fact that she might be able to take a joke better than Obama might.  For all the rumors that countries outside the United States prefer Obama as the next American president, I see this as a beginning of Canadians warming up to Sarah Palin.  They wouldn't have prank called her if they didn't like her in some way to begin with.  This may be foreshadowing to Palin's popularity quickly catching up to Obama's.

Wilson, Tom. "Chirac falls for Canadian radio prank". oneNEWS. 29 January 2008.

Pop culture and Politics for real

Walking through Balfour last week, there was a open mic night going on. Whatever the club is that writes and recites poetry that was there. My favorite girl, the one who wrote the poema bout change was speaking. 

It amazed me how many students are unwilling to accept the current situation. People are so hungry for a better future here. College students especially, I feel they are the most responsive to the call for change, because by just being here, they are saying they deserve better. More kids than ever are growing up with the intention of going to college. 

The need for change is apparent even in clothing now. Graphic tshirts with sayings like Hugs not Drugs, Save our Planet, Love one another, or Recycle are the fashion now. Theres no better use of pop culture as propaganda than that. 

Back to Balfour, after that girl finished, four dancers started moving to a song. The song was Obama's "Yes We Can" speech, but not the Will.I.Am version. I was disappointed, for i rather like that song. It was just interesting to see though that people are starting to associate Obama with the word change. They are looking to him to provide us with a better opportunity to fix our world for the better. 

I left before the dancers finished, but the fact that they chose a speech instead of a popular song about change struck me as the culmination of this election. 

Is Obama's aunt an illegal immigrant?

Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango from Kenya is living in the Unites States and is facing some problem with immigration. Associates Press revealed that Obama's aunt speaks about living in the United States illegal in memoirs. It also claims that Zeituni is living in government houseing in Boston dispite the fact that the immigration judge denied her request for asylum four years ago. Zeituni not leaving the country wouldnt be a criminal act but an administration violation. CNN wasnt able to show her immigration status. Obama's campaign havent responded to CNN's comment. Zeiituni donated to Obama's campaign on different occasions and taken the titile as a "volunteer resident health advocate." The spokesperson for Obama's campaign says that Obama dosent know about the immigrant status of his aunt and that the necessary procedures would be taken.
I dont think that this issue would really impact Obama's campaign because its not a big issue. Then again it is close to election and it can be percieved in so many ways, with McCain finding every little thing to attach Obama it could be a bad positon for Obama. As long as it doesnt seem that Obama's aunt is not getting special treatment as someone who is in the country illegally, Obama's campaign wouldnt be affected. This can serve as another issue for his patriotism to be questioned because he is looked as a non-American.

Obama 'congradulates' McCain on Cheney Endorsement

Obama's target is the swing votes and he is very determined. Obama started with a morning rally in Henderson, Nevada and later went to Pueblo, Colorado and Springfield Missouri. Dick Cheney says that he will be voting for John McCain. Obama attacked Cheney for supporting McCain by endorsing him where he complimented McCain for receiving the endorsement. He also states that the endorsement didn’t come easy and he deserves it. According to Obama, “He knows that with John McCain, you get a twofer: George Bush's economic policy and Dick Cheney's foreign policy. But that's a risk we cannot afford to take." In other words, Obama says that McCain will have both qualities of both Bush and Cheney, whose policies and plans didn’t help America. So he is saying that McCain have qualities from two people who haven’t exactly steered America in the right path. In Nevada, Obama spoke about his tax plan defending it against "socialist" claims. Clinton joined Obama in Beckley, West Virginia where he supported and defended Obama's economic plans.
Biden says that he hopes that McCain end his campaign on a positive note because McCain is constantly attacking Obama. He feels that McCain is being personally vicious. Biden is holding events in Bowling Green, Ohio and Marion, Ohio. However, Palin went to Central Florida where she focused on financial concerns where many people are over the age of sixty five. Palin also shifted her focus to attacking Obama.
The election is so close and both McCain and Obama needs to step their game up because it now or never. At this point, attacking any candidate wouldn’t do much justice because it’s the time that should be taken to prove how worthy each candidate are. The toughest job for the candidates right now is to persuade the swing states to vote for them. I think that Obama took a better approach than Palin with his attacks at McCain. I think Palin was too harsh and Obama was more direct so it wouldn’t affect his image. But Palin on the other hand can impact voters by coming across too strong at her opponent.

A rose by any other name...

From the Huffington Post:

It seems that at a recent Palin rally in Florida today, there was apparently no official signage with the actual nominee's name.

Once again, we are confronted with the idea that this race is between Palin and Obama.

McCain's Last Stand

Everyone seems to think that Obama has the 2008 election locked up, and seeing McCain abandon states a few weeks ago showed nothing but despair for the Republican Party.  McCain has recently redirected his campaign to Pennsylvania, a likely Democratic voting state, but a state that many believe McCain has a chance to win.  The 21 electoral votes that Pennsylvania holds is now seen as an essential answer to any chance McCain has to winning the election.  Hillary Clinton campaign fundraiser Lynn Forester de Rothschild is quoted saying, "Pennsylvania is a conservative Democratic state, and John McCain can win it.  We are targeting independents and Democrats, and they're just not comfortable with Barack Obama's plan for America, because it's outside of the mainstream.  This is the most important thing I've done in politics.  The election could turn right here."  Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania in the Democratic primaries because of Obama's inability to win over the working class whites in Pennsylvania, and because Pennsylvania doesn't partake in early voting, it gives McCain a little bit more time to attempt to persuade voters where Obama failed (Saslow, MSNBC).   Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe evaluated the situation by saying, "As unlikely as it is for them to succeed [in Pennsylvania], we've got to take that seriously, and we will."  

Aside from Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton won votes in the states with greater numbers of electoral votes, such as California, New York, Florida, and Ohio.  Therefore, there is something about Obama's campaign that didn't fit with all the Democratic voters. If McCain can somehow play to the crowds in a way that Obama couldn't, he may have a shot at winning it all.  And right now his focus is on Pennsylvania asserting that "We need to win in Pennsylvania on November the 4th."  It's his way of saying, I may be down, but I'm definitely not out.


Slaslow, Eli. "True Believers in McCain flock to Pennsylvania".  MSNBC. 1 November 2008


Here is the 30 minute primetime special that Obama ran the other day.

I actually quite enjoyed it. I thought it did a decent job of outlining some of his policies. He did not waste any time smearing McCain. In fact, I don't think McCain was mentioned once. I liked the fact that, for once, a politician was being positive about themselves rather than negative about their opponent. McCain, on the other hand, keeps spending more and more money on attack ads.

I think that Obama's use of technology to reach the people has been very commendable. I feel that it has helped him gain a lot of momentum, wheras John McCain appears to be stuck in the stone age. Obama has been able to reach thousands of people who might not know much about him otherwise.

I was initially worried that this special would cross the line from citizenship to consumerism, but it was actually very informative. There were moments where too much of the focus was on the narrative of the people being interviewed, but it could have been a lot worse. Even in the few instances when he veered off into the personal anecdotes, it always drifted back to the issues. I had a better understanding of how he was going to handle things.

I thought this was a rather remarkable response to the McCain "un-American" campaign. It made him seem very down-to-earth and human. The emphasis on Obama’s life as an “everyday American” was interesting, and probably very intentional.

On Tuesday, we will decide who will represent us as a nation. The choices we make as individuals will effectively determine our country’s future. We need to keep in mind that when politicians finally take the initiative to lay out policies, it is our duty to listen.

McCain Town Hall Format Disappears

The first incident that led to this was the angry man who told John McCain to hit Barack Obama “where it hurts." Then came the woman who called the Democratic nominee “an Arab.” And don’t forget the man who stood up before a packed crowd and said he was “scared” of an Obama presidency — nevermind the racially tinged cat calls and rounds of boos from McCain’s other gymnasium crowds.

Town Hall formats was supposed be the Republican nominee’s, John McCain's, favorite campaign forum, highlighting his shoot-from-the-hip style, his broad knowledge on a slew of issues and his irreverent wit. He loved it so much that he challenged Obama to a string of town hall debates. Of course now -- it has become a liability. He has not taken any questions from any of the audiences he has spoken in front of since October 10th, when he faced a belligerent crowd in Lakeville, Minnesota, that at times turned against him. The disappearance of the town hall format from McCain’s campaign is striking, political observers say, offering a vivid example of how a signature strength became a potential liability and was abandoned.

It is startling. Without using his signature strengths, McCain continues to slip slowly downward in the national polls (which at the time of posting is 50% Obama, 44.2% McCain; as reported on Even as he continues to campaign in these last few critical days, I believe this is just another piece of evidence to show that whoever is the next 'symbol' of the Republican Party, they will either scrap the Town Hall Meeting style all together or perhaps reorganize it.

“We want to fight, and I will fight,” McCain told supporters earlier this month in Minnesota. “But I will be respectful. I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments. I don’t mean to reduce your ferocity. ... I just mean to say, you have to be respectful.” The crowds ignored his plea.

Is Bailout really helping?

According to AOL the bailout is not really helping America as much as we thought it would. 

As it turns out, Wall Streeters are still getting paid bonuses with a portion of the money, with estimates running into seventy billion. If you do the math, thats ten percent of the bailout that should go to helping the economy, just going right back in their pockets. 
Also, AIG reportedly scheduled a lavish retreat for its employees, costing upwards of 400,000. This came right after it received the money from the bailout bill. There was another one planned soon after, but that was squashed right after the press got a hold of the story. 
On the bonuses point, some of the company's employees are receiving more money just to stay on for one year, shouldnt keeping their jobs be enough reward, especially when everyone else seems to be losing theirs?
What happens to the millions of dollars that was lost by failed CEO's? Well, they get to keep it, as compensation for what they made when it was working. 
As it turns out, banks can use the money any way they want to. There are no specifications as to what they must do with the money, so some are planning on buying up other banks instead of re-investing it back into the economy. They are not thinking of adding their millions to the lending pool so they can make more loans, they are thinking of using it for selfish terms. 
Whos the real money makers, well lawyers of course. They are making huge amounts on billable hours because of the bailout, not to mention representing the firms that are now having problems with regulators. 

Friday, October 31, 2008

A last push to deregulate

The White House is ready to pass a set of laws that have weakened the government before President Bush leaves office. The laws include the ones that didn’t work during the "Bush Era," and would be hard for the next president to fix. Some of the policies would be more flexible on private industries such as farms and other policies would help clear obstacles like activities that contribute to Global Warming. These laws can be undone through public opinion. The White House spokesman, Tony Fratto said that the White House is doing all it can that regulations last for a long time because it serves the best interest of the nation. There are so many new regulations considered and only a few are actually considered. Few regulations will be considered with President Bush diminishing role as president. This much activity in the White House has many lobbyists busy who fears that the industry wouldn’t be a priority so lobbyist are working hard to prevent that from happening. It's important to make sure that well established laws stay for a long time. However, I feel that Bush policies shouldn’t be trusted due chaos he brought during his presidency. Although, the laws are said to be based on public opinion some of the laws that are trying to be established are not being considered, but isn’t public opinion valuable? It's hard to realize that many of Bush's policies are getting deregulated, there should've been this much activity in The White House when Bush was president. I’m curious of what The White House is considering as laws that work; I don’t see any policies worth keeping. I don’t think the lobbyists should try to fix anything that hasn’t work because it’s the job of the new commander in chief to really fix the mess in The White House.

Palin gets the blame if McCain loses?

According to Politico, if McCain losses on Tuesday, his party is looking for a scapegoat. That scapegoat is Sarah Palin. McCain advisor's have labeled Palin as "a whack job", and a diva. She also apparently never takes advice from "the geniuses at the McCain campaign".

But, if Palin is so bad as a potential VP, then why did McCain choose her? If you're a 72 year old presidential candidate, wouldn't you choose your running mate with a little extra scrutiny and care for the sake of the future of the nation? Apparently, McCain didn't. He has even admitted that he "didn't know her well at all", when he made his decision.

But why? It wasn't like McCain was rushed, he wrapped up of his nominee decision by March, and didn't announce his decision until late August. Isn't that enough time to get to know your running mate? Isn't that enough time to investigate Palin's strengths, weaknesses, records, published accounts, and even talk to a few people to figure out that she was a whack job diva?

But he chose her anyway, as said in Politico, "He wanted to close the 'enthusiasm gap' between himself and Barack Obama. He wanted to inject a little adrenaline into the Republican National Convention. He wanted to goose up the Republican base.

One main complaint McCain's campaign has against Palin is that she is not sticking to their script. But in truth, her real problem isn't that she can't take orders, the real problem is that she is not ready to take the position of VP.

Yet in comparison, McCain has been ready for this job, as he has plenty of political experience. He told once told a crowd in Miami:

"The next president won't have time to get used to the office, I've been tested, my friends, I've been tested."

I don't think this quote can necessarily be applicable to Palin's case.

In my opinion, having a bad running mate won't make you lose the election, but I don't think it will help you much. In this case, I believe Palin has slowed down McCain's campaign, whereas with different running mate, he may be in a closer position towards presidency. Therefore, McCain has no one to blame but himself if he loses, because in actuality, it was McCain himself who chose his running mate.

Palin 2012?

I have been watching the news the last few days and I cannot help but to think of what can possibly happen to the Republican Party if they fail at obtaining the White House in less than four days from now. This has been a very interesting election cycle: with many twists and turns from the Wright Controversy to Palin's nomination as the GOP Vice Presidential candidate. But even as McCain still remains optimistic (perhaps not realizing that there is a great amount of stress on him to even hold onto the safe Republican strongholds of the South and West) about his chances to win on Tuesday; can it really happen?

As I explained in the last post I put on here, the only way he can possibly pull off a victory is to win every single state that are both safe for Republicans and all the remaining swing states. He has already abandoned Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico to Obama and with each passing day, Obama continues to hold advantages in many important swing states like Florida and Ohio. Each passing day, the path to 270 seems all but impossible. While I did state that I am not ready to declare this election cycle for the Democrats, thus for Obama, we need to think about the implications of a Republican loss.

At this current moment if McCain lost, the Republican Party would most likely tear itself apart in an effort to reorganize itself. This is McCain's last chance or hurrah rather to obtain the Presidency and if he does loose on Tuesday, he will not be running again in 2012 -- he will just return to his position as a Senator from Arizona. With the person who had brought the Republicans so close yet not close enough, there will need to be a new generation of GOP leaders to emerge from the wake of the impending implosion (this is perhaps over dramatic but anything is possible with a McCain loss).

Governor Palin, who was an Washington and National political outsider until two months ago seems to be one of the many new GOP leaders who will continue the supposedly endless fight against the Democrats beyond 2008. Many of the old Republican guard believe that when McCain looses on Tuesday (again, if he does, which as I've read by numerous polling organizations seems to be quite certain of happening), they will blame Palin for dragging down the ticket. On ABC News, Palin stated she signaled she would remain on the national political scene no matter what happens Tuesday. "I'm not doing this for naught," she told ABC News.

Palin has split conservatives - some energized by her strong stand on social issues and others embarrassed by her halting interview performances - regardless of their personal feelings towards her, they all concur that her rallies have attracted numbers that a Republican party searching for female star power can't ignore. The Associated Press stated: "Palin's future will be a top item on the agenda at a meeting of national conservatives scheduled for next Thursday. Participants say Palin's role in the conservative movement, and as a 2012 contender if the GOP ticket loses, will be discussed." This will be interesting to see what comes out of this very important meeting -- as to whether Palin's role in the future of the GOP will be extensive or not.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Media Has a Crush

            Ever since each of the candidates first spoke into microphone there have been allegations of the media favoring one candidate over the other.  In the democratic primaries there were many complaints that the media demonstrated a bias towards Barack Obama.  After the Republican National Convention, the starting point for the final section of the relay race to the presidency there has been one major, and recordable trend in the news; it favors Obama.  In this final leg there have been four times as many negative stories about McCain as positive, Barack Obama has received twice as many positive stories as McCain, and one half as many negative stories (Harris and VandeHei Hosed in the Press).

            Subsequent to a debate in April there was a general up roar that the ABC commentator had been attacking Barack Obama.   The debate featured 15 questions on politics and 13 questions on policy, making it more substantive than other debates, but because the questions seemed to be more aggressive to Obama rather than Clinton, regardless of the fact the questions were highly relevant for a presumptive nominee, they were perceived as an uncalled for attack on Senator Obama (Harris and VandeHei, Secret Weapon).   This creates a problem in perception of candidates in the media that is two fold.  Because the media had been Favoring Obama, any slight attack on him is seen as a major deviance from the normative positive reporting, and because it is such a large deviance from a positive portrayal it is also seen as a major attack.  In addition, the act of questioning the bias of the media its self has a massive loophole.  Questioning the media’s representation of a campaign, not always but usually, demonstrates a bias in favor of the candidates who is being misrepresented and therefore calls, and should call, the legitimacy of the accusation into question, yet some how accusations of bias against certain candidates are taken more seriously than others.  This paradox establishes the perfect conditions for a cascade of information favoring one candidate, but requires that the media have a particular bias, in this case towards Obama.

            There are several reasons why the media favors Barack Obama, not all of them his own doing.  A pew study found that 80% of journalists intended on voting for Barack Obama (Harris and VandeHei Hosed in the Press).   It is worth noting that these people are professionals and adults capable to detaching themselves from their beliefs for the sake of journalism.  It is also worth noting that they are predominantly democrats favoring a democrat.  As an example, Obama reporter Lee Cowan, who reports of NBC, admitted that he finds maintaining his objectivity hard, while reporting on Obama.   The media is weary of appearing to be racist, and in a simple twist of fate this has created an advantage for Senator Obama. As Harris and VandeHei put it, “[Barak Obama] has benefited from the idea that negative attacks that in a normal campaign would be commonplace in this year would carry an out-of-bounds racial subtext”(Hosed in the Press).  This is not to say that his race has never, and will never detract from the support that Obama receives for the populace, but an example of how it has benefitted him.   With these two reasons it is no surprise that many of the negative stories about Barack Obama have not stuck in the headlines.

            There are several examples of stories that have fallen through the cracks that most likely would not have should they have not been about Obama. The most commonly questioned actions of Obama are his associations with Reverend Wright, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  Obama’s association with Reverend Wright was played down in a massively eloquent speech by in which he demonstrated the legitimacy of his association, but was also left alone in part because of the sensitivity of race.  Obama’s association with Bill Ayers, who once spoke violently about destroying America, and Bernadine Dohrn, who stated when describing the mason murders in 1969, "Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!", has not received as much press attention as many speculate it would have were these people associated with another candidate.  The McCain Campaigns current focus on Pennsylvania should stir up a lot of interest in Obama’s opinion of the state in particular his comment,  “it's not surprising then [the people of small town Pennsylvania] get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."  Such slanderous classifications of American people would expectantly draw a large amount of attention, especially with the recent focus on the state of Pennsylvania, but have slipped through the screen of mass media in recent months even as the McCain campaign focuses on that state.

            It could be said that the McCain campaign is responsible for the negative media that represents it.  As the McCain campaign draws its final breaths the internal workings of the campaign begin to fall apart and provide a glut of substance for negative stories.  However, after the treatment that Hilary Clinton received, it is worth questioning whether or not the current mess in the McCain campaign was begot of his representation in the media.

Works Cited:

Harris, John F., and Jim VandeHei. "Obama's secret weapon: The media." Politico. 18 Apr. 2008. 29 Oct. 2008 .

Harris, John F., and Jim VandeHei. "Why McCain is getting hosed in the press." Politico. 28 Oct. 2008. 29 Oct. 2008 .

New emblem?

So i just got an email, saying New US Emblem?

According to Winograd and Hais, our generation is described as being optimistic about politics. We are described as believing in the power of our government to change things for the better. If this is true, then this email, send to me by my sister, also a millennial, is the opposite of what Millennial Makeover is proposing. I realize this is not true for all of our generation, however, I agree with the picture. I also think that our government is changing for the better though. Maybe because Ive been influenced by the description of our generation as positive, but I really believe that things are changing in our government.
These kinds of emails are sent about the net tens of thousands of times a day, but one can pretty much bet on the fact that this was sent by someone just on the cusp of our generation, or someone just older than the oldest of our generation. Whoever came up with this picture is pretty clever, for I myself would never have thought of this.
The fact this was sent through a form of mass communications is important because without the programs available to make this sort of this, no one outside a little circle would ever see it. Because of tools such as the internet, mass amounts of people can see it, and if theyre part of my generation, they are more likely to think they can change things.
The email was sent throughout the workplace of my sister, and then forwarded to whomever they know, and so on til it fizzes out. This email perfectly describes the cynicism we have discussed in class about older generations. Take a look!

McCains Blame Game again.

In a shocking (yeah right) turn of events, McCain is trying to degrade Obama's image to discourage voters from voting for him. 
The new story is that the Los Angeles Times is withholding a story, and by association protecting the candidate, about him  
"attending a 2003 party for a Palestinian-American professor and critic of Israel. The paper said it had written about the event in April and would not release the tape because of a promise to the source who provided it."
Although both candidates (McCain and Palin) are criticizing Obama's longtime friend who was said to have been at the party, McCain also has ties to Rashid Khalidi. This man has been accused of being a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization, a position he has denied in the past. The interesting this tis that McCain has ties to this man also, through a group partially founded by Khalidi. This group has received over four hundred thousand dollars from an organization chaired by McCain.
To add to the controversy, Jamie Gold, the newspaper's reader's representative said this of the alleged cover up, 
"More than six months ago the Los Angeles Times published a detailed account of the events shown on the videotape,"
There are no details out in the open about the source used by the newspaper, and The Times has refused to respond to the criticism.
McCain, in his recently attained whiny stance, complained that the paper has become bias, and that by suppressing the article, they have openly endorsed Obama. 
This is just another tactic to discredit Obama and lend into peoples fears that he will possibly cause a World War III. This is why the younger generation is so sick of politics, this type of mudslinging is exhausting and childish. McCain needs to realize that the race is won, and not by him.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Six Days and Counting...

If you go over to the DailyKos, you will be provided, at no expense, a map of the United States with colored states according to voting predictions. It appears that Obama has already won this election. Even if he loses Florida, Penn., Ohio, Indiana, and Virginia, he will still come out on top as predicted by preliminary Red states. Carrying Illinois, New York, Michigan, the West coast, the Northeast and some of the Midwest, Obama is in good shape to still come out on top. Losing the states I mentioned, Obama would still win by a 276-262 margin. But losing by that close of a margin is still too optimistic for McCain. With only six days left and dwindling money, McCain should give some serious thought to some intense muckraking. Assuming McCain will carry Florida, he will still need to win Ohio and Pennsylvania, and hope for some key swing states to help him out, and fend off a realignment. 

Forclosures, For Real

As of late, foreclosures have been the recipients of much attention from the media, and there have been countless tragic stories of families struck hard by sub-prime mortgages. While these stories strike a cord with many Americans who are struggling right now, it is necessary to take a look at the whole story. In an article on Real Clear Politics, Steven Malanga asserts that there are some fallacies surrounding these troubling stories of foreclosures.

Malanga states that the news stories frequently "mischaracterize" the foreclosure problem we are facing. He claims that this "mischaracterization" stems from the idea featured in the article that "unanticipated personal reversals" and job losses are to blame. This doesn't add up to the "foreclosure mess we've seen" said Malanga. He claims that these unanticipated personal reversals occur even in "the best of times". He backs this point up by showing how in 2006 when the foreclosure troubles were just beginning, that a University of Texas study showed that the unemployment rate was "holding steady at 4.6%" which is quite low. Since, as Malanga states, the problem was not caused by job losses, then what has caused this foreclosure crisis? Apparently, in his words, "an end to the rise of home prices" is the real culprit.

This is an extremely interesting point that Malanga makes and it really goes to show how you can not just take the word of the media without looking deeper into the issue. This also leads me to wonder how exactly this will affect the election. If we have been mischaracterizing this major economic issue, then won't this just render some of the candidates' solutions and economic policies obsolete? For example, McCain's policy for handling sub-prime mortgages and home losses is to create government reforms and provide assistance for families struggling to make ends meet. This strategy would work best if the stories in the papers were completely accurate in their portrayal of the foreclosure crisis, but if what Malanga asserts is in fact accurate? Then this strategy will be like trying to plug a leak with a piece of bubble gum. This policy will work temporarily, but how long will we be able to support the families in most need? I fear that we wont be able to suppport them long enough because, as it appears to me, McCain's answer to the problem is more like a plan that will patch holes as they pop-up rather than fix the entire problem.

I fear that this strategy will be unsuccesful and costly because according to Malanga, the real problem is home prices, which is a topic left out of McCain's plan. It just makes me wonder, if we fail to see the true cause of the problem, how exactly can we fix it?


Malanga, Steven."Foreclosure Myths: Can the Media Handle the Truth?", Real Clear Politics, 2. November. 2008

"Immediate Relief for American Families: Home Plan", McCain-Palin 2008, 2. November. 2008

Obama 08'

With Election Day only six days away both candidates are doing anything in their power to make sure they get the number of votes needed to win the states. With Pennsylvania on the fence both candidates are seen targeting for their support. If you saw Obama’s documentary tonight and speech, you would see the hope and determination he has to make the United States a better place. Based on some polls Obama is winning four states that was once George Bush’s. This is such a big moment where a democrat has actually transformed red states to blue. The reason because they see that he wants change for the better. Based on an article written by Ron Fournier, and Trevor Thompson if Obama win he might actually win with a big lead. The run for presidency is not as tight as it was in the beginning and during the Republican convention. In the speech Obama targeted one particular state for his support and that was Florida. He kept on repeating Florida’s name and support in order to win this race. I think this is such a smart move; he is making people in Florida pay more attention and know that they have a power among other states.

Palin accuses Obama for having ties to a "radical professor" at Columbian University

Palin says that Obama has ties to Columbian University professor, Rashid, Khalidi; stating that he used to be the spokes person for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Of course Obama's website says that Palin's remarks are false. Palin feels that she is not negative campaigning but "calling someone out of their record.”But what does that means if it's not suppose to created bad media for Obama's campaign? Palin also states that Rashid Khalidi is another radical professor from the neighborhood who spent a lot of time with Obama.
However, the McCain campaign has repeatedly try to show that Obama has also has ties to the 1960's radical, William Ayers, founder of Weather Underground and a professor of Illinois. This just shows how desperate both McCain and Palin are in terms of their own campaign is not going well so the only thing left is to make their opponent, Barack Obama look bad. The Obama
The Obama campaign called Pallin’s remarks "recycled manufactured controversy from the McCain campaign to distract voters’ attention from John McCain support of President Bush. It also raises the question of why wasn't this issue brought to attention six months ago? The answer to that is that there's a week left from picking Obama who has an advantage and electing him as president.
Obama said McCain has spent the last few days calling him "every name in the book and don't know what's next. By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten. I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich," Obama said.
McCain is just trying to distract voters because time is winding down to the election and he lost his advantage. All he has is Palin who looks more radical than Obama bringing up allegations now that the election is close. I’m sure it wouldn’t do much justice because the election is leading to Obama no matter what story she tells. It is weird that both McCain and Palin decide to bring up bad stories about Obama now, where was this earlier in the campaign? It just looks like a secret weapon gone badly.

Volunteer Much?

At this moment, volunteer offices across the state are extremely busy trying to get as many voters as they can for their candidate. The reason so many people have chose to get involved with this election is because they either felt inspired by Barack Obama or motivated by John McCain. This election has inspired citizens to become passionate about politics and also inspired international citizens to look more into the idea of American Politics. A lot of citizens are looking at this election as "the election" to get involved with. The reason being is that it is one of the most important events in which will change America forever. This election was not only about voting for who you think will make America a better, stronger nation. It was about speaking out, being socially active and being able to have your voice be heard by everyone. 

More and More Ads

According to USA today, Obama has spent over 230 million on television. He is now working on having thirty minute long ads which will air on CBS, NBC and Fox. According to the article, "The three 30-minute ads, which cost Obama nearly $1 million apiece, mark the first time in 16 years that a White House hopeful has aired commercials that length on broadcast networks." Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, is trying to target the states in which George Bush won during his campaign four years ago. McCain cannot compete with Obama when it comes to television ads and that is because Obama has spent way more money than McCain did. According to USA today, McCain has only spent about 84.1 million dollars so far on ads. If McCain wishes to persuade more voters to vote for him, he needs to step up and focus more on his television ads. For more information on this issue, visit Obama Ads Overwhelm TV presence of McCain

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Second Guessing McCain's VP Choice

With Obama in the lead of the campaign, and not much time left to  ahead, McCain's party has been analyzing McCain's vice presidential choice. 

According to the New York Times,  McCain's party is analyzing whether McCain would be in a better position in the campaign now if Sarah Palin was not chosen as the VP.  Many Republicans and Democrats all say yes to such a question. 

When McCain was in the process of making his VP decision, they set aside the traditional standards for picking a running mate. For example they set aside the criteria of choosing someone who could deliver a battleground state.  What attracted McCain to select Palin were for reasons such as:

-Her reformer credentials supported his own, which would reinforce and strengthen his abilty to run against Washington. This could possibly appeal to moderate and independent voters. 

-Her social views would help McCain to mend his relations with Conservatives.

-She is a woman, which could potentially attract woman voters who previously supported Hillary Clinton, and to those who were upset as to how Barack Obama teated her when she was running.

Now, as it is less than a week before the election, only one of those hopes have come true- that Palin has attracted more Conservatives. 

Polls have shown that her support, especially from women and independent voters,  has been declining, and more and more people are saying that she is not qualified to be VP. People are also starting to judge McCain in a negative way for even choosing her as a running mate. 

Many people are also complaining that her lack of experience of ever experiencing a national campaign is also making things worse for McCain's party. The Republican National Committee has spend over $150,000 on clothes and accessories on Sarah Palin and her family.  This has caused tensions between Palin and McCain, as he seems to feel disappointed in how she has carried herself in the campaign. 

McCain had considered  Mitt Romney as a running mate, and his advisors had also pushed him to consider people such as Joseph I. Lieberman, and Tom Ridge. They all had there advantags and disadvantages, but many say that such consideration would have lead McCain to be in a better position in the campaign today. 

However, McCain is stuck with Palin now, and she will at least deliver one thing for him: the state of Alaska and all of its three Electoral College votes.


A true convergence of politics and popular culture. 

Palin the Celebrity

At first, when McCain chose Palin as his running mate, everyone ran around screaming, "he did it because she's a woman!  He's just trying to steal Hillary supporters!"  And it made a lot of sense to think that.  He did get a huge bump right after the convention, and got the base fired up like never before.

But here's a different opinion: he did it because he needed a celebrity to counter Obama's popularity.  In an article in The Huffington Post, Lauren Cahn posits that McCain saw Palin as "a media-ready, photo-friendly moldable piece of political clay" that could be used to counter Obama's celebrity status.  There's no way he could have ever come close, so, why not try Palin?

And he's been successful, past his wildest dreams.  Palin is easily the name most often on people's lips these days, rivaling Obama's and far outstripping McCain's.  Palin and troopergate, Palin and clothing purchases, Palin and the pitbull joke, Palin and the Couric interview, Palin and SNL, Palin and negative attacks, etc.

But now, his celebrity protegé is trying to break away.  She's gone off script to address her clothing issue, and has actually talked to reporters in a setting other than an official news conference, without receiving permission from her handlers -I mean, her press agents first.

Now, she seems to have her eye on the presidency in 2012.  In an article in The New York Times,  there are several unnamed prominent conservatives who are bouncing around Palin's name for 2012.  If McCain wins the election, she'd be in prime position to stay in the spotlight for four years, create more appealing policies, develop political credentials of some kind, and run  for pres.  If Obama wins, she'd have more problems.  Since her nomination, her popularity in Alaska has plummeted - troopergate and her expense reports for her children come to mind as reasons.  Returning to the governor's office might not be such a smooth transition - and she may not last there.

We've had some conversations in class about the convergence of pop culture and politics - especially in the realm of celebrity politicians.  Well, I'd say Obama is the perfect celebrity politician- popular, young, and tech-savvy.  The Republicans needed someone to counter him, so enter Palin.  She's added a popularity and a youth to the McCain ticket that has drawn young conservatives in a way McCain never could have.  In two other articles in The New York Times (see sources), conservative college students have become energized by Palin.  So while this election won't put a celebrity Republican in the Presidency, Palin is seriously being groomed to become the new celebrity face of the party.  What a scary thought.


The Great Schlep

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

The Great schlep is possibly the most creative way to increase voter turn out that has been employed this election.  It presents a simple question:  do you grandparents love you? Answer: yes, if your grandparents do not love you just play along after all in a normative family they do.  Now, use that love to guilt them, into voting, for Obama.  It is absolutely brilliant, and a beautiful step towards the convergence of policy and popular culture.  What is surprisingly covert in this message is the understanding that families all vote along the same partylines.  Sarah Silverman, a cynical comedian, presents absolutely no information on the policy of Barack Obama unless you count he loves Jewish people and isn’t a Muslim as policy.  The comparison between a black man and a Jewish grandmother plays off of many stereotypes that would be unacceptable outside of the area of comedy, but allow the piece to demolish the image of “otherness” that John McCain has attempted to create for Barack Obama. She even uses the name Barack as a way of creating a connection.  Then uses the name John to imply that he is an excrement receptacle and hires prostitutes.  A name is not policy.  It is worth noting that The Great Schlep is funded by the Jewish Counsel for Education and Research an organization that discloses in its mission statement, “The Jewish Council for Education & Research (JCER), a federal political action committee, was created to develop and disseminate information to voters in the United States around issues of concern to the Jewish community”(About Us). The other sections go on to explain more of Senator Obama’s policy but it does include as a talking point that  Obama’s thoughtful approach and even temperament will dramatically increase America’s influence with other nations” (Talking Points).  Temperament is still not policy.  The Jewish Council for Education and Research is no guiltier of appealing to the emotions of voters instead presenting policy than any other organization, including both campaigns, but does claim to disseminate information.  This nation does not vote on a leader that will create policy for the betting of our nation, but creates an emotional relationship with a demagogue based on the personality that we perceive thought the mass media.

Works Cited:

 The Jewish Council for Education & Research. "About Us." The Jewish Council for Education & Research. 28 Oct. 2008 .


--- "The Great Schlep Talking points." The Great Schlep. The Jewish Council for Education & Research. 28 Oct. 2008 .

Sounds a little to Good

As many people now know Ted Stevens was convicted of seven felony charges. With re-election happening on Tuesday the only way for Republican to stay in control of senate in Alaska is if Stevens win the election and then resigns. I find this very amusing. I understand that the republicans want the control of senate in Alaska but with seven felony charges should he even still be in the ballot. Even though he is still has not gone to trial I cannot think how our hard (stay in the right path) government is not taking him out of the ballot. Instead they are asking him to stay in the race and win in order to put another republican member in the GOP position. If we look back at 2008 and John Edwards and his affair many people made it such a big story and headline. The immediate thought that approaches my head is Republicans made a huge deal to this story, another democrat sleeping around. However, an affair is not such so big as being charge with seven felonies for lying about receiving gifts and getting hundreds and thousands of dollars in home renovations. That to me is called stealing and lying, and as an official of a state how can we let something like that slip. Every official is sworn in so obliviously he lied, but yet is still a candidate. Sounds a little too good if you ask me. John Edwards on the other hand, was in front of every news paper and he had to admit that he had an affair when his wife was sick. I have not heard Ted Stevens state anything on his behalf except that he is continuing on his campaign. His fellow peers however are proving to us that Stevens is guilty by asking him to resign. I cannot wait for the final result.;_ylt=At9HK610PhCIkVrmYhIOU7KyFz4D

Health Insurance

As we pass through these difficult times in our economy we cannot do anything but see people face hard times. Our health care is getting harder and harder to manage and pay. Many families are finding themselves striving to make sure their kids have health insurance. Based on an article written by Amanda Gardner families are filing bankruptcy because of health care. Some families are either trying to get favorable health insurance or trying to find a way to pay the premium. Based on the article about 71 million people are having problems paying their medical bills or are in debt in their medical bills. As the article states many people find themselves doing okay with paying their bills and credit cards, until some kind of unexpected event happens, and I completely agree. It is already hard for many middle class families to pay their bills, that when an unwelcomed surprise happens it throws them off guard. My family went through this situation and it was one of the most difficult things to experience. Most of these unexpected surprises are health related and many people lose their job or have to take time off in order to get better and as a major consequence the bills are seen bigger and impossible to pay. In the article they give the readers an example from a couple Donna and Larry Smith. They both were diagnosed with a disease or medical complications and as a consequence their medical bills started to pile up. She found herself asking her family for money to pay the doctor bills, to later pay her family back. The story does not end with a happy ending the Smith’s later filed bankruptcy and are now renting. Health coverage is becoming a big issue, with people not receiving health insurance and having to pay the doctors for their services, to people’s premium and health insurance raising.;_ylt=Atv3vD9JwNHhqFovW2GuV5Nv24cA


People are now suggesting that we are picking on McCain, and that the media is being bias. Based on a yahoo article written by Jim Vandehei, and john F. Harris there has been many people complaining about the negative media coverage McCain has been receiving. Research has shown that since the Republican Convention John McCain has received four times the negative stories than positive, and Barack Obama has received twice the amount of positive stories. I don’t see this as being bias I see this as being smart. News reporters want people to read or see their information. The more the media displays what the people want the more ratings they receive. Based on the polls such in real Politics we see that Barack Obama has a decent lead. So obviously people are leaning towards him more and the more “bad” media McCain gets the more the people in Obama’s side tune in. In the end of the article they start to explain the different type of bias, and the one called “bend over backward” is very appealing to me. The reason is because they explain that in the vice presidential debate many news media graced Sarah Palin’s performance. While in reality she did not do a good job, her defense mechanism was too spilt out everything she knew about policies. I knew that I was not the only person that thought that. When I saw the vice presidential debate I was expecting for Sarah Palin to make a fool out of herself. The truth is she did but she did it in such a sneaky way that many people did not here the answers she was giving to the specific questions. I do not think I am bias on my comments, I just find it funny that people are now worry about the negative media attention McCain is receiving, however when Hillary Clinton was running she got it worse and the media basically told her to suck it up.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Condoleezza Rice as President?

I mistakenly read an article on MSNBC that had me thinking Condoleezza Rice would be running for the next presidential election, but it turns out she is only a candidate for the San Franciso 49ers team president.  But it got me thinking, if Condoleezza Rice ran for president, how successful would she be?
From one perspective, she would be the ultimate history maker.  Assuming Obama doesn't win and assuming that if McCain wins, he lives to serve out his term, she would be both the first black president and first woman president.  Transitively, she should have the combined success of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, (although we know it won't work like that).  She already passed the Katie Couric test that Sarah Palin miserably failed, successfully shooting back a respectable answer to every attempt Couric made to diminish her last year.  She already has enough foreign policy experience to wipe out any opponent who tries to take issue with her on that topic.  She carries herself in a very leaderly-like manner and speaks well.  She also carries the same tough personality Hillary Clinton has.  
An interesting topic would be to see who she would be endorsed by.  We would be able to see whether or not voters and celebrities would rush to her side due to the fact that she is black, a woman, or her policies are simply what they are looking for.  Would women support her from the Demoratic side? Would black democrats support her?  I don't think Condoleezza Rice would get more public support than Obama has for the fact that she is Republican and has ties, a very close relationship in fact, to President Bush.  But I also think Rice just happens to be on the wrong side is she was to run for President.  I have trouble seeing if red states down south would support her, but I don't see liberal states like New York or California supporting her either.  I also think that celebrities who have never endorsed a public figure before, but now endorse Obama would sit this one out.  It seems to me like leadership changes in the future presidents of America in terms of race and gender will only be successful coming from the Democratic side.  It's a shame because if Rice was Democratic she would be the ultimate symbol for cultural and gender integration and I'm sure all Democrats would vote for her.

Some food for thought...

I stumbled across this website. It's obviously not very accurate, but it's quite interesting to look at. As of a moment ago, John McCain was not favored in a single country.

Just something I thought I'd share.

Tight Race

As the election approaches the polls are getting closer and closer. With one week left the only way we can get a hunch on who might be wining is by looking at poll ratings in Real Clear politics. In the beginning Obama had a clear stretch over McCain. Now, however McCain is coming back. With many states still up for grabs the election is going to be just as tight as it was in the past with Bush. Based on Real Clear Politics McCain has gotten up with a 43.1 percent compared to the 42.5 percent he had last Thursday. Even though Obama is in the lead McCain is not too far behind to win. Based on the poll Obama had a twelve point lead that has drop to a 10 point lead and has given McCain a five point gain. Based on a yahoo news article some polls however might put McCain closer to the race to make it more interesting and appealing. I do not find misleading people amusing or interesting. With this election being so important many people want to have enough knowledge to know which candidate the election is leading to. Also so many people are interested in this election and by misinforming the “new bees”, we will just get discourage and not really want to put our input to the next election. However, just because McCain got some points in the poll that does not mean that he is getting more people to his side. Based on the article the only way to actually tell who the state is leaning towards is by looking at poll rating for a long period of time. All I can say is I hope this election is not fill with surprises at the last second because we all know the consequences we will then have to face. (Ex: Florida and Bush)

Plotting Deaths Already

Now that the election is closing in all I can think of is the safety of Barack Obama. Everyone knows that there are still violent racist people. Based on an article in Yahoo written by Lara Jakes Jordan the plot for Obama’s assassination has already started. Based on the article, the federal government (ATF) has stopped a plot, which was to kill 102 black people and finally end their killing spree with the assassination of Obama. I am terrified to think that if Obama wins presidency he will not be able to step foot in the white house without first getting killed. The scary part about this is that I have had this conversation with my fellow peers and we have all agreed that the assassination of Obama is realistic and the reason is even more hurtful which is because he is black. As a minority I cannot believe that the United States is still not able to put racism behind us and live in a civil society. Instead Obama is going to have to worry about getting killed because he is trying to make our country a better place. The “neo-Nazis”, skin heads stated that they did not think it would be possible to kill him but that they were going to try to fulfill their goal. I do hope that our federal government is protecting Obama as best as they can. I also think that if Barack Obama is killed our country will be in big problem. Like many people, I believe that if Obama is killed society will be ready to revolt back towards government causing a civil discrepancy. The only last thing to state is the United States needs to stop its racist ways and accept the positive movement forward, and not try to plot deaths.

"You can see Russia on the hills of Alaska"

As the big election approaches the big problem McCain is now facing is Sarah Palin. With recent polls taken, Domenico Montanaro states that 55% of people think that Sarah Palin is unqualified. The cause of the unexpected reaction towards Sarah Palin is the belief that McCain is too old to complete the four years of presidency. My biggest fear if McCain becomes president is his death and Sarah Palin taking his spot. Obviously I am not the only person feeling like this. Palin’s unquestionable lack of experience can bring the United States in a deeper hole than what we are already in; “since you can see Russia on the hills of Alaska”. Moontanaro makes a comment that I find interesting which is who would have ever thought that Palin would be the biggest problem instead of George Bush. Even though Obama also lacks experience people are feeling more comfortable in giving him the responsibility of running our country. Something very interesting also is that our country is in great debt, yet we can spend 150,000 on Sarah Palin’s clothes. Also Sarah Palin’s makeup artist has the highest paying job in McCain campaign. The makeup artist was paid 22,800 for only two weeks, which is more than McCain foreign policy advisor and his senior communication staffer. So message is our government stating: is it that we need to spend more money in making a person fit the criteria and look the part, than worry about how we could use that money. Everyone in the beginning was so amused and happy about the Sarah Palin pick, but as time continues everyone is questioning her experience. We are now at the tip of picking our new president and even though Sarah Palin would not be the immediate president if something does happen to McCain our future is looking great right next to Russia.

Palin's Off Script Comments

McCain's aides were upset that Palin spoke "unscript" and brought attention back to her wardrobe which has risen some controversy. She spoke about The Republican National Committee's (RNC) spending $150,000 on her family. Palin's remarks about the spending was that her wardrobe is rediculous and the clothes are not her property and and the things that the RNC purchased for her, she is not taking them. McCain adviser told CNN that the comments that Palin made were not the remarks given to her to talk about. However, Palin's aide defends her by saying that Palin felt that she needed to defend her self against the controversy of her wardrobe. CNN sources revealed that there were tension between McCain's and Palin's aides. McCain's sources revealed that this wasnt the first time Palin has spoke about things that she wasnt suppose to and it seem that she is trying to defend her self with putting McCain's campaign at risk. Both Palin'and McCain's advisors discussed that when Palin was elected that her media attention would be limited because she is not ready McCain's source says that Palin lacks the understanding on many important issues as well as keeping her up to speed.
It is obvious that Palin wasnt the best candidate that McCain could have elected to be his vice president candidate. It's obvious that Palin is a puppet in the whole campaign just someone that some people could relate to. When she speaks on her own, Palin shows how inexperienced she is and creates bad media for McCain's campaign. This just points out repeatedly that Palin really does not know what she is doing and if given the opportunity to be president, that she would not know what to do with that as well.

We've Got the Election Covered

Every single day, there are at least two or three articles in every newspaper and blog site and magazine about voter fraud and voter suppression - some of it accused at Democrats, and lots of it accused at Republicans.  Everyone seems terrified that McCain will steal the election, like Dubya did in 2000.  But to me, it seems like this election will be un-stealable.

First of all, Obama's campaign is superbly run.  He's got millions of dollars to spend, and boy, is he spending them.  He's even turning Republican stronghold states into battleground states.

Second, the polls are being watched so closely, you won't be able to pick your nose without it appearing on YouTube.  There have been calls for voters to bring their cameras with them to the polls, in order to document any untoward activity on the part of the workers or the machines.  The early voting turnout has been in record numbers, highlighting errors that can and will be fixed before Tuesday.  The Democrats are sending hundreds of poll watchers and lawyers to polling stations around the country, in order to back up any challenged voters.

So I think that, while we can never be too confident, and we definitely cannot call the election before the polls close, this election will be more fraud - free than any other, maybe in the history of the U.S.  Because remember - we'll be watching.

McCain seems to frequently wake up on the other side of the bed...

There is much talk about John McCain's temper, as he is frequently known as "Senator Hothead" from numerous publications. He is also known for his famous quotes: "F*** you" (directed towards Texas Senator John Cornyn), "Only an a****** would put together a budget like this," (directed towards Senator Pete Domenici), and "I'm calling you a f****** jerk!" (directed towards Senator Chuck Grassley).  He has also been seen lashing out at his fellow citizens, as he called a high school student a jerk after he was claimed too old to be president (ABC News).   There are also numerous video clippings of McCain's 'freak outs'. Here are some examples:

Temper Tantrum 2 (Where he makes a lady cry!)

Plus many other YouTube videos with examples, search "McCain Temper".

These videos also contain examples of McCain cursing excessively. 

Yet both John and Cindy McCain's reasoning for his temperament is simply because McCain feels so passionate and concerned for his country, and that many just happen to confuse McCain's strong passion for quick temperament. Many citizens of the US find his temer to be very crude and disrespectful, while others believe that McCain just represents the common man, and that his temper is equivalent to the average person (New York Times). 

I  guess it all depends on the citizen, whether they prefer the common man, who is  erratic and willing to freak out on anyone who comes in his way. Or a more calm and collected Barack Obama, who is willing to hold back such unnecessary 'freak outs'.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Can McCain Still Win the Election?

I wrote the following for the upcoming Wire issue and felt it deserved to be published here as well:

With only less than two weeks to go in the General Election campaign, the intensity has grown to a new level. Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate; is still ahead of the polls across the board in many key states: Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado, Florida; but McCain’s campaign staff is still not giving up. It is well known that Senator McCain has pulled out of many states, surrendering them to Obama: both Nevada and Colorado. He has given up on 14 electoral votes.

The position Obama is in gives him considerably more winning combinations to reach the magical number of 270 electoral votes, the amount needed to secure the Presidency. As of today (10/23) according to CNN, Obama has 192 safe electoral votes coming from the states Kerry won in 2004 while McCain has slightly less ‘safe’ votes totaling 122. Obama continues to outspend McCain by a 4:1 margin in all of the Kerry states and in many Bush states; turning once safe Republican strongholds into political battlegrounds.

Many political science experts believe that through the number of winning combinations Obama has, it is almost an impossible chance that he could loose the Electoral College (he has 8 possible combinations, McCain only has 1); there is still some doubt, even with the campaign season coming to a close.

The only combination that McCain has to win every single remaining state including: Florida, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Nevada and West Virginia; however if Virginia goes to Obama (which at the time of publication is leaning 52% Obama, 45% McCain), the election is automatically Obama’s because McCain will be unable to obtain 270 electoral votes with Virginia’s 13 votes. Obama on the other hand has 8 winning combinations, which involve many states that were once safe, Republican havens and if they switch from Red to blue this election cycle, they will remain that way for many cycles to come.

McCain, although down in the polls and has lost considerable ground to the Democratic campaign, he still has some aces he could play in the last week or two; namely, instigate the poor White residents of Appalachia; whom Governor Sarah Palin has described “the Real America.” She has also thrown out many negative attacks on Senator Obama including: ‘terrorist’, ‘socialist’, and ‘Anti-American.’ The people who live in this part of the country have generally voted Democratic, especially the State of West Virginia but anything can happen. McCain had once stated that this type of politics, Dog Whistling, is a shameful way to win an election but as statistical information shows that unless he continues this method of campaigning there is no way to win the election. Right now if the current campaign style is still used, the undecided independent voters will continue to gravitate closer to the Democrats. McCain needs the independents and he needs to seriously consider revising his strategy in the last two weeks.

In my opinion however, I am not completely ready to say Obama is the winner just because of what the media is saying. Obama is in the position Kerry was in the last election cycle but if McCain is able to instigate these poor, mostly rural white folks; then McCain might be able to show some force against Obama’s many advantages in Electoral-rich states. There is one conflict that should be noted: Will Reverend Wright be unleashed against Obama? The answer is no. The reason is that those unfortunate people who live in Appalachia are not completely blind and they will eventually realize there is a limit and once its reached, it will turn them off. Not to mention the independent voters will rush to Obama's side if he even attempted to do so -- McCain needs every vote he can get and distancing himself from the center is the worst that can happen to him -- and will ultimately cost him the election as well.

In summation: in regards to both sides of the political spectrum and the amount of discussion given by independent pundits and surrogate speakers, there is almost no way McCain can win but we need to watch closely over the last few days. Anything can happen.

Conservatives and Christians

This weekend a family friend was telling me an interesting story about a religious pamphlet she was mailed from a local church. This pamphlet was full of instructions and suggestions for how the members of its congregation should vote. This struck me as odd: should this really be allowed to happen? I dont think so. This in my opinion undermines the democratic structure of the election. While it is perfectly fine and necessary to provide varied view points and differing ideas, it just seems wrong to attempt to coerce people into voting for one candidate because your church suggests it. Due to the issues at hand regarding abortion and stem cell research the pamphlet took a decidedly conservative stance, which was no suprise to me. According to, a study conducted in 2000 showed that 79% of people who classified themselves as members of the "Christian Right" voted for Bush and that 14% of the electorate was composed of this supposed "Chrisitian Right". Due to the size of this religious demographic, the role of religion in politics is increasingly important for the candidates.

Another bone I have to pick with this is that it ignores what are, in my mind at least, the biggest issues on the table for America in this election. While abortion and stem cell research are important hot button topics for candidates, it would appear that national security, the economy, the Iraq War and the environment are all issues that should be paid the most attention to, yet were naively excluded from this pamphlet. While pamphlets of this nature are virtually unavoidable, I just "pray" that people can see past the alter and remember that regardless of what their church's pamphlet says about McCain, stem cell research and abortion, there are other issues that deserve serious attention.