Saturday, December 6, 2008
Blackwater Being Held Responsible
Friday, December 5, 2008
Changing Bush's Orders
Loan Modification Plan Allows Many to Keep Their Homes
The Fall of the Auto Industry?
Bill Gates Speaks on Stimulus Package
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Changing Interrogation Policies?
God Bless this American
Auto Bailout Unpopular
Where did the Ballots Go?
Amerian's Agree with Obama's Plan for Troop Withdrawal
Rights and Bailouts
"If I knew for a certainly that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life, as from that dry and parching wind of the African deserts called the simoom, which fills the mouth and nose and ears and eyes with dust till you are suffocated, for fear that I should get some of his good done to me,-some of its virus mingled with my blood"- Thoreau
As I consider the ultimate effects of our governments continuing bailout of various business interests in the country I am disheartened by a few facts. One, We have no idea what it will ultimately cost. Two, we have been convinced that is imminently necessary. Leaving aside the economic arguments for and against for a moment let us consider the ominous effects of ceding so much of our rights to the government. We Americans guard are right jealousy, in times of peace and prosperity no one can generally shake us from an understanding of what is our due as citizens. It is only in times of trouble, when the mass of people is frothing at some nameless fear, can the government, with all the best reasons, rapidly grow in size and potency. In the infancy of our Republic the threat of war with France gave us the Alien and Sedition Acts. Our Civil War brought about the rise of a grand bureaucracy, the draft, and the first income tax in the victorious North. World War I gave us a modern standing army and the Sedition Acts With the Great Depression, which the government and prolonged through tariffs and interference, we saw an attempt to pack the Supreme Court and a massive expansion of Government power which brought us everything from redlining to the Farm bill. During this same period the crime wave that came with government enforced prohibition was used to justify the creation of the FBI headed by Mr. J. Edgar Hoover. This dreary list continues on to present day, and I would continue, but who wants to get a file started at Carnivore? The point is that the consequences of these programs and infringements generally far outstrip the urgency with which they were called for. What will be the consequences of large portions of the banking world remaining under government control? (Some of these banks, it should be noted, accepted Government funding against their will.) Who can say with any certainty? But mark well where the benign hand of our government flits and tarries in these days of panic.
Conservatives are Whiny People
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What's a Proper Reaction?
Rice Visits Pakistan
Secretary of Defense Gates to Stay on for Obama Cabinet
Obama to Choose Richardson for Secretary of Commerce
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Saxby Destroys Hopes for Filibuster Proof Seante
The New Ambassador
Susan Elizabeth Rice was born on November 17, 1964. She is a foreign policy expert and is now the American Ambassador to the United States. The two ambassadors who came before her were Kofi Annan, and Ban Ki-Moon.
Barack Obama has chosen Susan E.Rice to be the ambassador of the United Nations. According to a recent article in The New York Times, Ms.Rice will hopefully help stop major problems even if it means using armed forces to help solve those problems. Problems can include the recent genocide cases that have taken place in Darfur. According to this article, Experts believe that Obama is serious about spreading positive change, the reason they believe such a statement is because he chose Susan E.Rice who is Obama's "closest advisors, so it underscores how much of a priority he's making the position." She is a good candidate for this position because she is not afraid to face whatever she has to in order to prevent a crisis from happening. “Admirers said she is a good listener and able to stand up to strong personalities, including foreign autocrats and militants in volatile regions of the world.” ( The reason I believe Ms.Susan Rice is going to be an excellent United Nations Ambassador to the United States is because, according to the article, she visited Rwanda in 1994 right after the genocide. After she saw millions of bodies lying on the ground, she promised herself that she would never let this happen if she ever was in charge of managing or even being part of the UN. “I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required,” she told the Atlantic Monthly in 2001.
For more information, please click here.
Jimmy Carter and Human Rights
The world was ecstatic when it heard that Barack Obama was going to be the next president of the United States. With Barack Obama as president, everyone knew that everything was going to be okay whether it was ending the two ongoing wars or defending and properly understanding Human Rights worldwide. Jimmy Carter, the founder of The Carter Center, has said in a recent interview with CNN, “a high priority will be the restoration of human rights, which have been badly eroded in recent years.” The reason Jimmy Carter decided to focus and address this topic is because he believes that the United States should focus more on enforcing Human Rights around the world. According to Jimmy Carter, activists from around the world join his annual conferences and say that the US is not advocating and encouraging other countries to engage in Human Rights acts. Because the US is not encouraging those acts, countries do not feel the need to do so. “For years, these activists have told us that when the United States engaged in torture and indefinite detention, their decades of struggle for rights began to erode. Dictators who had felt pressure from the United States to improve rights were suddenly off the hook. With new leadership in Washington, a clear and principled message on the centrality of human rights can help set a new tone.” Jimmy Carter believes that the United States is the main and higher power in which developing countries can look up to when it comes to issues regarding Human Rights. The main purpose of Jimmy Carter’s interview was to show that when humans are taken advantage of, used and abused, peace could never be achieved. He also encourages people to listen to Human Right activists when they speak about problems within their own communities. We need to be aware of those problems and help solve them before they escalate and become more dangerous and harder to handle.
For more information, please click here.
Guaranteed Paycheck
In turn the economic crisis has been a big help to the Pentagon, which had its strongest recruiting years since 2004. David Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness admitted, "We do benefit when things look less positive in civil society. What difficult economic times give us, I think is an opening to make our case to people who we might not otherwise have."
This may seem upsetting at first, to see America's jobless youth resorting to enlisting in the Army for job security because of the lack of other options. But when all is said and done, serving in the Army is a much better use for Americans than say, working at a dog racing track, which sparked debates recently about closing and eliminating jobs. And the job security that soldiers get is by far not the only benefit they receive. Many learn skills while serving in the Army that could serve them use once they finish their service. A Marine Staff Sergeant, Angela Mink stated her reason for deciding to re-enlist even after suffering a helicopter related injury, "Equivalent pay is nonexistent, once you factor in insurance premiums, housing costs...and we would definitely have had to relocate. I have a child with a disability and what civilian employer is going to take that into consideration when they think of moving you somewhere?"
At the same time people could argue that it is not right for people to have to put their lives in mortal danger in order to get better financial and employment security. It comes down to whether or not you would risk your life for a number of years instead of financial adversity, and no matter how many people join the Army, it is one job that will always be hiring.
"Soldiers choose war over bleak economy". Associated Press. 2 December 2008. MSNBC.
guess foreign policy is a big deal after all...
Well, Obama has defended his belief that, if terrorists flee the US into Pakistan, they can be pursued. But it will be interesting to see what his opinion is about India pursueing terrorists into Pakistan, which is where the attacks are believed to have originated from.
But besides other issues like Russia, Al Queada, Iran, and Iraq, Obama will also have to deal with one of the worlds new great powers: China.
In recent years China has had an economic growth rate 3 times that of the US, and while it is estimated that both will drop in the next few years, the best estimates are that the US will have a growth rate of 1%, while China will have a rate of 5%. If China is growing five times faster than the US, then it will not be long until the US is surpassed as the worlds leading power.
As if Obama didn't have enough on his plate with the economy, he now has to deal with all of this to? The task laid before him was already more difficult than any President has ever faced, but this is almost impossible. Hopefully he live up to expectations. Because it is very possible that America as we know it is at an end. Will the US continue to be a leading power, or will constant economic decline, terrorist attacks, and the success of other nations lead to us being the beggar of the world?
Where will Hillary go from here?
Clinton's options are to either work with Obama and put the past behind her, or to work to undermine him. If she works with him she will show a unified force in the White House, and will demonstrate a lot of qualities people will look for. But, if she works against Obama, and leaks information that she is displeased with the way he is handling a situation that goes badly, then she can almost gaurantee herself the Democratic nomination in the next election. Of course, if she does do that, then there is no telling what will happen to the countries economic position.
But, with either position she chooses, her performance as Secretary of State will determine what happens to her political career. If she does a good job, then she opens up more doors for herself, and, again, could have a chance at running again for President in a few years.
Regardless, Hillary Clinton is part of Obama's new powerhouse cabinet. She is intelligent, and she is capable, and while she is the most controversial of Obama's selections, she is also probably one of the best candidates ever nominated to that position. Where ever she goes from here, the nomination to Secretary of State has the potential to be a huge boost for her. While she will never overshadow Obama, she has the potential to ride the wave all the way to another presidential ballot.
Black Friday

Bye Bye to bushisms
"The system is becoming unthawed, and it's going to take time for the system to become unthawed. What the American people have got to know is we've taken the steps to unthaw it, which is the first step to recovery."
If something is becoming unthawed, doesnt that mean its freezing? We dont want to have the system to freeze. that would be very bad Mr. Bush. Honestly though, I cant tell if he's a smart guy who cant talk, is just stupid, or is a criminal mastermind who openly admits his devilish schemes to 'unthaw' the Earth.
Of course, one of the good things is that we wont have to deal with his confusingly adamant nature anymore. I mean the guy has found every reason possible to make the Iraq war justified, but in a recent interview said himself that going to war was a mistake. But later in the same interview, when asked if he would go to war again, stated "that is a do-over I can't do". Say what? I'de like Bush as a clown, or maybe a stand up comedian, but a President needs to be a bit more concise.
Anyways, I am still glad I can finally say farewell to Bush. It's been a long strange trip, but we're starting a new one. Hopefully Obama will do better, but hes already off to a good start.
School Choice
The news recently has been that the President-Elect and his wife have decided to a send their two children to the exclusive Sidwell school in Washington D.C. The future first couple have acted prudently, in a manner not dissimilar to how the rest of the transition has been run. The children will undoubtedly receive a fine education and Sidwell seems well equipped to deal with the special needs that will arise regarding the daughters of the most powerful man in the world. One question though remains, if the Obamas recognise the superiority of private education, why then do they deny that choice to thousands in our nations capital and millions around the country by going against school choice vouchers. Vouchers would allow parents to take the total or a large portion of what it costs for the state to educate their child and apply that money to a private institution. They are currently being tested in the capital, and for every one child who has applied for the program, three are denied. The average income of the families these children come from is 23,000 dollars. The state has failed these families, D.C. public schools rank at the bottom of 11 major city school systems. The same article notes that half of the children attend schools that are described as "persistently dangerous", and that the cost per pupil is among the highest among major cities at close to 13,000 dollars a year. That parents line up to receive a check for a little more then half of that is certainly telling. I may just be naive, but I can't see any reasonable argument for not extending this program across the country and giving the gift of hope and decent education to the most impoverished of our citizens. this would not only help to level the playing field between public and private education, the worst public schools would simply cease to exist, but it would give poorer families a far greater choice as to how their children are educated. Wouldn't that be change we could believe in?
Justice and Law
Great nations, it is said, are not destroyed from without until they are weakened from within. With the myriad of topics and grave national discussions this country is engaged in the most far reaching effect of this next election has been obscured. The opinion of the judges appointed during the coming presidency, particularly those placed on the Supreme Court, will shape the way our constitution is understood and enacted upon well into the next century. The effects of which will be felt long after the next president, with all his promises and hopes, passes into history.
The basic stability of our country is based on the simple not overly long document, ratified by the states, known as the United States Constitution. It enumerates ways which laws can be enacted and repealed; defines the rights of its citizen; and lays out a system of checks and balances which have brought this country, in the span of roughly two hundred years, from a new world back water to unarguably the greatest power on earth. The continued belief in and protection of the Constitution is an integral part of ensuring that our Republic remains the potent force and garuntee of freedom that it has become. As Thomas Jefferson said, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. "
The major candidates presented two stark interpretations of the judges necessary to maintain our rights and check any unlawful usurpation of power. Senator Obama believed in a "living constitution" that is a constitution whose interpretation changes over time. Senator Mccain believed in strict constitutionalism or in a "dead constitution" that is an interpretation where the founders "original intent" is given heavy weight. Now the idea of a living constitution is on the surface an atractive one. It allows a judge to take present mores into account and allows him or her greater leeway in correcting wrongs that are not specifically noted in the constitution. It is this changing understanding of the prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishment" that evolves the methods by which we execute our prisoners, from strait forward hanging and firing squads to the use of more ingenous gases and injections. Of course, there is a great danger in this method, because just as such leeway can be used to do good above and beyond the letter of the law, it can just as easily be used to commit evil. The proper role of Judges is to interpet the laws that are passed by the legislative branch, not create new rights or penalties based on their own opinions. Some judges have begun to site the rulings of foreign courts, like those in Zimbabwe, as a justification for their decisions, this is completely wrong. The temptation is great to cheer the appointment of those judges that will act in accord with one's political persuasion, but Democrat and Republican alike should fear the increasing power that is placed in the hands of these unelected officals. If new rights are needed or old laws are wanting, the best place for change is in the ballot box.
Deterrence, Terrorism...Raskolnikov
Todd brought up an interesting point in one of his comments, the West has yet to come up with an adequate form of deterrence against terrorist assaults that is both effective and morally acceptable. The idea that a strong well prepared armed forces is the best guarantee to peace, and as an extension of that, that a balance of power makes War too awful to contemplate ( An idea that came to the fore with the ghastly result of World War I but was then refined and simplified to produce the horrific "Mutually Assured Destruction", where the certainty of a global nuclear holocaust was meant to chasten those among the super powers who hoped for a first strike. ) is an idea that has no power against a stateless terrorist entity. This is particularly true to a group which is dedicated to giving their lives for their cause. What threat is potent enough to stay such determination? Adolf Hitler wrote that in regards to partisan attacks in the territories his armies occupied "whatever worked" was what was to be done. This evolved in France, but even more violently in the East, into a system of hostages held in certain townships who would be shot in many multiples for every German killed or act of sabotage perpetrated. While surely monstrous, one wonders if it was even effective, for it doesn't seem to have appreciably slowed partisan activity and assuredly turned the populace more heavily against the occupying armies. Echos of this extreme response exist in present day. Seven years ago Thomas Friedman wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times describing the father of the current Syrian "President's" method in dealing with terrorist attacks emanating from a certain city, Hama. He ringed the city with troops, and then shelled it into submission, 15,000 to 20,000 Syrians are estimated to have died. The Op-Ed went on to note that Terrorist attacks from that city ceased. A few years later a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed tackled the problem more squarely and finished by considering the idea that the United States should publicly state that if a terrorist attack involving WMD occurs on American soil the response would be a Nuclear strike on the Muslim holy city of Mecca. It would seem to me that such a declaration would not be believed, but if it was would create such fear and loathing in the Muslim world as to completely negate the statements purpose.
There is something in the human psyche, perhaps particularly in the West, that craves the simplicity of the action unhampered by morality and law, as if such limits inherently impede just accomplishment. In our future considerations of how best to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks and in our responses to attacks here and abroad, we should not be so quick to accept policies which go against our country's understanding of morality and justice in hopes of greater safety. It would cheapen what we fight to save. Still, the problem of deterring those men and women who would do us harm and die for it will not fade quick, as the somber, bloodied hotels of Mumbai unfortunately reveal.
Barack Obama's Cabinet: Part 2
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I don’t necessarily agree with everything Amnesty International does, or how we go about things. As for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I have a few problems with it. I know it can’t technically be “universal.” I have a lot of issues with the UN in general, actually. There is also the problem of mixing things that are human rights with things that should, by nature, be civil rights, which the Declaration does.
That being said, I think that most of the values the document lays out are still a significant part of our global society. These rights should be common sense. People should be treated equally. They should not be tortured or enslaved. It’s all quite simple, really. It goes back to the concept of “Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten.” Yet we see the UDHR violated every day. We see political prisoners and torture, and we see people being denied basic rights that make us human.
To be honest, I have no clue how to fix these problems, and stop the horrors caused by violators. And I don’t think anyone does have a perfect solution, because no matter what we do, we will be encroaching on the rights of governments to make decisions for themselves.
If we do find a way to overcome these obstacles, I believe we should find an alternative to the UDHR. I think it’s a good way to take a stand against issues like torture, but it still has problems. Right now, it seems like it is merely symbolic. Even a revision might be helpful. Until then, I believe it is the best we can do for a temporary stand for human rights.
The Supreme Court: The Final Frontier
Justice Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito are considered to be the conservatives of the court whereas Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer are thought to be the liberals of the court with Justice Kennedy viewed as a "swing voter". If McCain had been elected president, that would mean that his nominations would most likely be conservatives and would therefore have more conservative rulings. Roe v. Wade would most likely be overturned and abortion would no longer be protected.
With an Obama presidency however, his picks will most likely be more liberal and will therefore have more liberal rulings. If more Justices retire, or are no longer healthy enough to serve, Obama may be able to secure a liberal majority in the court, which could mean a liberal court for over 25 years or until more Justices retire. I'm sure we will know in the near future.
Sex Education Reform
Abstinence-only education. Especially in religious context, teenagers are taught to wait until marriage to have sex, yet some of these teenagers then become pregnant though being taught abstinence-only; much like the case of Bristol Palin, Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s daughter becoming pregnant though being taught to stay abstinent until marriage. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) also run rampant among teenagers that are taught abstinence only education. The article Red Sex, Blue Sex from The New Yorker states, “Communities with high rates of pledging also have high rates of S.T.D.s” (Red Sex, Blue Sex). Pledging meaning teenagers who vow to remain abstinent until marriage.
Clearly, teaching abstinence only education or having no sex education does not impede teen pregnancy or the spread of STDs in the manner that it should. Therefore, policy should dictate that abstinence should be taught as the primary sex education in school, yet also there should be an emphasis and safe sex. Condoms should be distributed freely to students in high school. Sex should not be taught as a “bad thing” to students and should be embraced as natural as long as long as teenagers are healthy and responsible.
Although these issues are not the only ones hurting American teens, their reformation will act as a conduit for other issues like child neglect and abortion. A developed society should be able to reform it’s policies when they no longer work in the modern context. A society’s foundation relies on a strong family unit and a healthy population of citizens to survive.
Work Cited: Margaret, Talbot. "Red Sex, Blue Sex." The New Yorker 11 Nov 2008 2 Dec 2008
2013: The end of the world?
According to CNN, A Biological terror attack will most likely take place. This attack will be more powerful than any nuclear weapon every created. This biological weapon will hit somewhere in the world and the results will be "devastating". According to Bob Graham, a former senator, "It would be 9/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed." The shocking article also related this attack to the flu virus that killed millions in 1918. The attack will kill millions and leave thousands of people if not millions with life-threatening diseases. If this is true, security should be taken more seriously around the world. Biological Research Laboratories need to be watched over, and airports need to be safe and protected at all times. It is scary what a group of people can do to the world. Scientists believe that terrorists are going to threaten peace around the world. The article mentioned that if the attack does happen it will most likely come from three major countries that are now producing nuclear weapons, the three countries are North Korea, Iran and Pakistan. This does not make sense at all, why would scientists come up with a year of when the world would is going to be under attack? What people are trying to do now is spread peace and try to repair the world and not predict future attacks. If anything, I believe that most of us are trying to move on and look forward to a bright future. I think that as young and aware citizens we should be able to speak out about this topic and be able to disagree with the fact that attacks are going to take place in the near future. The world is already suffering a series of wars; I do not believe that a biological attack will make everything better. Are we looking at World War 3?
For more information click here.
After some time in the shadows, Biden is desperate for some attention!
"Biden Has His Say (Once Again)" 2008 Election Update and Politics and Government - The Caucus Blog -
Murkowski: "Leave my seat alone Palin!"
Cabinet Picks
Spare Some Change, Mr. Obama?
Millennial Monies
Obama and Clinton's Rocky Relationship
"She attacked his inexperience and called him naïve on foreign policy for saying he would meet with foreign leaders without preconditions.
He attacked her as Old Washington and defined his early candidacy in opposition to her vote to authorize the war in Iraq, which he framed as 'the single most important foreign policy decision since the end of the Cold War' " (Politico).
Obama's Test: The Economy? Mumbai? Somali Pirates?!?
Auto Trouble
Larry King Live
When Larry King put the question out there of what struck the analysts about the decisions, the analysts were quick to jump on the appointment of Hillary Clinton and how bold the move was, but also how beneficial it could end up being it they would be able to establish a stabilized relationship. Hillary Clinton could have a lot to offer and lot of advice from her previous experience in the White House. Larry King also asked whether there was anything in the appointment of Hillary Clinton that reflected his continuous slogan of change during his campaign. The main response King got was that both Hillary Clinton and Obama share completely different views compared to George Bush and that any small difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is marginal at most when compared to Bush once again, so there is change coming. The issue of big egos playing a part was also discussed, but mainly downplayed the significance of the clash that may occur between them, referring to the many appearances made during Obama's campaign and the support Hillary Clinton gave to him as well as endorsing him after she dropped out of the race.
It is strange that after bashing her so much on the campaign trail and appearing to disagree with Clinton so much, a clip was shown at the beginning of Larry King Live, with Obama saying how much confidence he has in Hillary Clinton as a woman of American stature. A clip was also shown of Clinton praising Obama and showing her excitement on being able to share the journey with Obama. On camera they will act nice for now, but we have to wait and see whether they will really buy into each other. I think the analysts on the show were being a little bit too nice in downplaying their egos. I believe both are very intelligent and if they end up having conflicts, it would be a shame because together they would be a formidable duo.
Facebook for Kids?!
Expectations Through 2012
Last-Minute Regrets
The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq. A lot of people put their reputations on the line and said the weapons of mass destruction is a reason to remove Saddam Hussein.However, the President refused to speculate when asked if he would have invaded Iraq even if he was certain Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction, instead opting to dodge the question by saying that he didn't get a chance for a "do-over." By refusing to answer the question, it makes it look like he probably would have invaded Iraq regardless. While it's nice that the President has publicly admitted to making a mistake, it does sound more like a publicity stunt than anything else; an effort to raise his embarrassingly low approval ratings. Regardless of his intentions, I think most would agree with me saying that this apology comes about 4,200 men too late. Bush discussed how he was advised to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, but ultimately decided not to because it would "compromise his principles," according to the article. Additionally, Bush revealed that he was unprepared for war when he was elected (but to be fair, nobody was or could have been prepared for 9/11).
Bush also lamented about the recent economic crisis, but was confident that he did what needed to be done to save the economy and prevent "a huge financial meltdown." He hopes to "leave the White House with [his] head held high."
Works Cited
Zakaria, Tabassum. "Bush Calls Flawed Iraq Intelligence Biggest Regret." Reuters. 1 Dec. 2008. 2 Dec. 2008