Sunday, November 30, 2008

Death in Nigeria

India is not the only place where tragedy has struck. In Nigeria revival religious groups and ethnic groups starts to burn homes and kill anyone in their way. With an estimated of 200 deaths and many more wounded. What caused all of this bloodshed? With the lost election between Christian and Muslim, the killing started Friday. It is said that ANPP party had lost because of the all Christian ticket of the PDP. With corpses lying on the floor containing bodies of women and children people are now running away from their homes. About 7,000 people are stated of leaving their home. There is also a 24 curfew and military strict assistant. People are walking the streets with their hands raised making sure to show the military that they have no type of weapons. The killers are said to have been killing with guns and machetes. With all the violence the PDP candidate is suppose to be sworn in Monday but is now being postponed. Nigeria is known for having its equal amount of Christians and Muslims and leaving peacefully, but one area the “Middle Belt” is disrupting this tranquility. However, this is not the first time this violence occurs between the two different religious groups in 2001 hundreds were killed, and in 2004 hundreds were also killed and made than President Olusegun Obasanjo to declare an emergency. With all these troubles between these two groups would you not think that they have better security or methods to response to the outburst of violence? Yes, the incident in India was awful but we have not have no real media coverage to what is happening in Nigeria. There are more deaths and wounded in Nigeria but we have not gave importance to this incident at all. Nigeria is also in trouble!


Alysi said...

I forgot to place the link!

emilya said...

I think that is awful and i have not heard anything about this yet. This is not made as big of a deal as it should be. It is crazy that people have to walk the streets and raise their hands to show that they are not carrying weapons. People should not have to live in such fear. Citizens should feel safe to walk down the street and not think even the military could hurt them with a simple mistake. This shows how the military is unaware what to do because such an awful and surprising thing has happened.

Abby M said...

This isnt something new, the same thing happens in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not only in those countries but also around the Middle East. Everyone lives in fear. My grandmother said a few weeks ago, "I cant believe I have lived to see the day in which people walk in their countries living in fear."