Jdimytai Damour, a 34-year-old salesman, died during what was considered to be a crowd of customers of about 4-5,000 shoppers at Walmart. “An autopsy showed that Damour died of asphyxiation after being trampled, Nassau County officials have said.” A lady who was there at exactly 3:50 am said, “It was a real mob.” The reason for his death is that Walmart did not have enough security and was not assuring people that they will all be able to enter the store and get what they are looking for. It all happened on Friday, which was also called “Black Friday”, in New York. Two customers are suing Walmart because they thought that Walmart should have been more prepared because it should have known more about “Black Friday.” The two customers were both injured during the rush early in the morning. The two customers were father and son, also known as the Messadieus. They were “literarily carried outside the store, and are now suffering from pain in their neck and back from being caught in that surge of people.” (cnn.com) The lawyer said that the police visited the site several times but never even bothered to really look into it. The Messadieus’ lawyer says that there should have been better security, and Walmart should have known of what was going to happen. According to CNN, a video that was taken of the scene showed customers being stepped on and being thrown to the ground. This did not only happen in New York, it also happened around the country in many other shops. In Boston, one man died in the downtown-crossing district and many were injured. Storeowners need to accept the fact that whenever black Friday comes along, chaos is bound to happen. They should know to set up security. What is ironic is the fact that people are dying and being injured when they are shopping for a happy and joyful holiday.
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