Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bye Bye to bushisms

Im going to miss Bush. How could you not? I mean we have calenders and books based solely off of the 'Bushism'. I mean, Bush might have actually been a very competent man, whom will be remembered badly simply because we couldn't inderstand what the hell he was getting at most of the time. take this for example:

"The system is becoming unthawed, and it's going to take time for the system to become unthawed. What the American people have got to know is we've taken the steps to unthaw it, which is the first step to recovery."

If something is becoming unthawed, doesnt that mean its freezing? We dont want to have the system to freeze. that would be very bad Mr. Bush. Honestly though, I cant tell if he's a smart guy who cant talk, is just stupid, or is a criminal mastermind who openly admits his devilish schemes to 'unthaw' the Earth.

Of course, one of the good things is that we wont have to deal with his confusingly adamant nature anymore. I mean the guy has found every reason possible to make the Iraq war justified, but in a recent interview said himself that going to war was a mistake. But later in the same interview, when asked if he would go to war again, stated "that is a do-over I can't do". Say what? I'de like Bush as a clown, or maybe a stand up comedian, but a President needs to be a bit more concise.

Anyways, I am still glad I can finally say farewell to Bush. It's been a long strange trip, but we're starting a new one. Hopefully Obama will do better, but hes already off to a good start.

1 comment:

Ross Brennan said...

The Daily Show is certainly going to have a hard time finding material. Well, at least as easily as when Bush was president.