Sunday, November 30, 2008

Woe, woe, woe

This made me cry.


Nick F said...

That is just awful. Kids shouldn't have to worry about their parents having jobs or being able to pay the bills; it's not right, not right at all. Childhood is supposed to be about having fun and living without a care in the world. This, more than anything else, tells me how bad the economic crisis is.

I'd hate to be in the one to have to tell the kids that there's nothing I can do for them.

Julia Chapman said...

It is very sad, and Christmas will be different for almost everyone this year. Even in my family we have been talking about limiting our expenses and wants this year for the holidays. It's understandable now to me, but if I were a kid I would of hated this. I wouldn't of understood and I am so used to getting numerous amounts of gifts, I wouldn't budge to allow myself getting less presents.

Abby M said...

This is so sad. I cant believe children are worried about what their parents have to do. If anything children should not know about what is going on because it will only depress them more.