Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Larry King Live

There were many reactions to Obama's appointment of his cabinet yesterday. Larry King, host of the highly rated "Larry King Live" on CNN, dedicated part of his TV talk show last night in order to ask questions about the decisions that Obama made or as he referred to it "drafting the right players", particularly the choice of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Larry King discussed the experience Hillary Clinton could bring into the White House and the positive aspects of the appointment with authors and political analysts.

When Larry King put the question out there of what struck the analysts about the decisions, the analysts were quick to jump on the appointment of Hillary Clinton and how bold the move was, but also how beneficial it could end up being it they would be able to establish a stabilized relationship. Hillary Clinton could have a lot to offer and lot of advice from her previous experience in the White House. Larry King also asked whether there was anything in the appointment of Hillary Clinton that reflected his continuous slogan of change during his campaign. The main response King got was that both Hillary Clinton and Obama share completely different views compared to George Bush and that any small difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is marginal at most when compared to Bush once again, so there is change coming. The issue of big egos playing a part was also discussed, but mainly downplayed the significance of the clash that may occur between them, referring to the many appearances made during Obama's campaign and the support Hillary Clinton gave to him as well as endorsing him after she dropped out of the race.

It is strange that after bashing her so much on the campaign trail and appearing to disagree with Clinton so much, a clip was shown at the beginning of Larry King Live, with Obama saying how much confidence he has in Hillary Clinton as a woman of American stature. A clip was also shown of Clinton praising Obama and showing her excitement on being able to share the journey with Obama. On camera they will act nice for now, but we have to wait and see whether they will really buy into each other. I think the analysts on the show were being a little bit too nice in downplaying their egos. I believe both are very intelligent and if they end up having conflicts, it would be a shame because together they would be a formidable duo.

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