Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Obama's Test: The Economy? Mumbai? Somali Pirates?!?

Since Joe Biden proclaimed that there would be an international crisis within the first 6 months of the Obama presidency to test Obama's leadership, the media and the American Citizens have been holding their collective breath waiting to see what horrible event will occur. Will it be the economic recession, the Mumbai crisis, or was it the Somali Pirates that Obama should have handled? The correct answer is that these are not Obama's problems.....yet.

What the media seems to neglect is that we still have a president named George W. Bush. Although he is in the lame duck phase of his presidency, or as CNN put it "the lamest duck", He still has the ability to work on reform to even remotely try to fix the economy. Although his approval rating is the lowest it has been, that does not change the fact that he is still our leader and Barack Obama is not. It is a great idea for Obama to create his economic team now and to set out a plan for when he is elected, but that is not for another two months. Two months of economic recession could mean the difference of putting some people out of their homes or not being able to feed themselves. George Bush should be working now with Barack Obama to make the transition easier into office when his term is over so Obama can set his plan into motion right away. There should be some aspects George Bush could do now in order to put a solution to the crisis in motion. (Obama's full economic plan can be found at http://change.gov/agenda/economy_agenda/).

Some people have suggested moving the inauguration to an earlier date so Obama can work right away to fix the economy. Though audacious, this measure has occurred in the past. The original inauguration date was March 4 but during The Great Depression, it was decided that Herbert Hoover should leave office earlier and Franklin Roosevelt be put in sooner so that he could work to fix the crisis earlier. I say let George Bush be president until inauguration and let history will judge his presidency.


Julia Chapman said...

We've already judged Bush's presidency, and we all want him out and gone. I say the sooner the better. It may not such a bad idea to move the inauguration date sooner.

Ross Brennan said...

Harry Truman when he left office had a similar approval rating to George Bush, but now he is viewed to be a good president. We'll see if the same happens to Bush.