Thursday, December 4, 2008

Auto Bailout Unpopular

The Auto companies proposal for a bailout, which looked strong in early November, is beginning to fail in the eyes of the American public. A recent poll has shown that six in ten Americans disagree with using taxpayers money to bail out auto companies. The poll, which was conducted on Monday and Tuesday, showed that sixty-one percent of those questioned were fully against the government using taxpayer money to aid failing auto companies, while thirty-six percent were for the auto companies receiving government aid. 
The poll also revelaed that fifty-three percent of people do not believe a government bailout will help the failing U.S. economy. This is an interesting notion as American auto-companies supply the population with millions of jobs and if they were to turn a new leaf that could result in more jobs which would strengthen the American economy. Only fifteen percent of people polled thought that they would be immediately affected if the auto-makers were to declare bankruptcy. Again this is interesting as auto-makers supply many jobs to the United States people. 
One funny aspect of this poll is that in early November there was fairly strong favor for this bailout. However after executives from GM, Ford and Chrysler performed poorly at congressional hearings, and admitted that they had taken private jets to those hearings, support dropped drastically. You would think they could have flown coach.

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