Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rice Visits Pakistan

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a brief stop in Pakistan today. Rice met with President Asif Ali Zardari, her purpose being to strengthen the lines of communication between India and Pakistan, in light of the recent attacks on Mumbai. Her stop in Pakistan cam on the heels of a stop she made in India just a few days ago. The purpose of the meeting was to again speak about the recent attack on Mumbai. 
President Zardari promised Rice that Pakistan would be investigating whether or not Pakistani militants were involved in the Mumbai attacks, he also vowed to take strong action against anyone that is found to have been involved. This statement was made after India accused Pakistani militants of being responsible for the attacks and requested that Pakistan find and turn over twenty suspects to the custody of authorities in India. 
The Pakistani paper, The Daily Times, stated that "Rice herself has made no such accusation, saying that she wouldn't make conclusions until more evidence has been gathered". Despite this Pakistani cooperation in the matter would go a long way towards improving relations between India and Pakistan. While it is still unclear as to who exactly carried out the attacks, many believe it was Pakistani militants, while others blame it on Indian Muslims, on thing that is certain is that it will take cooperation from everyone to find the people responsible and bring them to justice. 

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