Monday, November 10, 2008

Help Protect the Sanctity of Marriage and Family

Now that California voters narrowly approved a measure that would rescind the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry legally as guaranteed under the California state constitution, we need to realize the fight has just begun. Prop 8 was the beginning. Now let's finish the job:

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Anonymous said...

The acceptance of the gays and lesbians seem to be a tug of war. This just proves that society is predominately believe in heterosexism. The idea of the "land of the free,"doesnt seem to be for everyone.

R.S. Woodworth said...

The hardest part of determining whether or not gay marriage should be allowed in the United States is determining what the word marriage means and where that meaning came from. It is true that marriage is commonly defined as the union between a man and a woman, but it is also true that that definition has a religious context, most commonly attributed to but not limited to the Judeo-Christian tradition, so to enforce marriage as such is the government backed religion. However, this also could be an example of the majority enlisting the government to act as a coercive force to produce a hegemonic society, which is the way that democracy and culture work together. The people that define marriage as a union between a man and a woman have every right to do so marriage is nothing more than a word, but is true that people have every right to define marriage as two people who love each other being together in an government and societal sanctioned union. The two groups many never convince each other that the other is right. However it says something about American society that you can protest anything you want, but your more likely to succeed if you accuse you opposition of being bigoted and ignorant rather than just stating your opinion.
Regardless, the sanctity of marriage does seem to be gone with divorce rates so high. I heard one gay man being intervened who said that if the homophobic population was really smart they would allow gay marriage immediately because everyone in a heterosexual marriage seems to hate it any way.

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