Thursday, November 27, 2008


            In a move that all to well exemplified how the presidential campaign went for her, Sarah Pailin stood on camera warring a Burberry scarf and sucking down a latté, or equally outlandishly priced Starbucks beverage, for an interview after pardoning a turkey.  What made this a particularly good representation of her contribution to the campaign was after saving a turkey’s, life behind her, seemingly unbeknownst to the former vice-presidential candidate, was the proprietor of the turkey farm killing turkeys.  Pailin spoke of the ups and downs of the presidential race, while behind her a man literally was slitting the throats of turkey’s.  The best line of the governor’s monologue was after describing how critical the press was of every move on the campaign trail she said “and someone will probably be critical of this too.”  Yes, yes they will.  But it seemed very fitting, and even a beautiful metaphor of the Katie Couric interview.  First Pailin proverbially “pardoned a turkey” by stating that it was possible to see Russia from some parts of Alaska, which is a good one liner totally useless and irrelevant, much like pardoning a turkey, but a decent bit of dirty yardage.  Then when she as intervened by Couric the Governor didn’t have the sense to look behind her and see the man sharpening the knife, so she started to talk.  By the time she had opened her mouth the turkey famer, or metaphorically the press, had grabbed a turkey, continuing the reference Republican Party, inserted it into a killing cone, slit its throat and let it bleed to death on camera.  The biggest difference is of course that the republican party too a little while longer to stop twitching. 

            The most likely out come of this interview is that Pailin will not disappear from the national media.  Think of it as a pilot episode for the coming season of  “life as the queen of Alaska” where our heroine talks her way further and further into political hades.  Next week what to ware that is function both in the state house and in the frozen tundra while you grip your hubby and zoom around on his supped up snow mobile performing drive by shootings on deer. 


Nick F said...

No offense, but, I can tell you're trying to be satirical and sarcastic, but it just comes off as mean. There are ways to do what you're trying to do without sounding like a bully.

That aside, you do have a good point in that Palin was one of John McCain's worst ideas during the campaign (I was considering voting for him until the Palin fiasco). She really never was fit for such national attention, and it cost McCain (and it looks like the rest of the Republican Party) dearly.

Julia Chapman said...

This video is horrible, I found it unbearable to watch. Was she aware that this was going on behind her? Or is she really that oblivious?

neall oliver said...

Regardless of what Palin is talking about, I think this video is comical. Good find.

Abby M said...

This is disturbing, that is all I can say.

R.S. Woodworth said...

I apologize that my satire might be offensive. I also almost voted for McCain until his pick for VP was made public.