Even if you do not see yourself being an avid blogger now that the semester is over, I am asking all of you -- as in everybody -- for a favor. A number of you mentioned feeling disappointed that more people hadn't joined your Facebook groups. Since your group is one of the best ways to publicize your blog, the more people you can attract to the group the higher your blog's profile is likely to be.
So here's the favor: Teaching the two sections of this course this semester was very rewarding for me, and among the many things I valued about the experience is the sense of camaraderie and community that was developed in both the classroom and on the blog. As a way to continue in that spirit, I would like to encourage you all to visit your classmates' blogs and to join their Facebook groups.
This second step is really important. As you all know by now, when you join a group, this will appear to anyone who can view your feed, which in turn will allow people in your networks to learn about their existence. Simply by joining the groups, which takes no time at all, you will surely help grow the groups and increase the visibility of your classmates' blogs. Combined, you can reach thousands of others (the 11 public profiles I could view boast a combined 4,719 friends)!
Below you find links to everyone's blogs and Facebook groups. Please visit the blogs and join the groups, and make any contributions to others' efforts that you can.
Thank you!


Class Structure: The Importance of Blogging


The Deep Blue Sea

An E-Vote Today Keeps Your Candidate Away

End Female Genital Mutilation

Gender Stereotypes

Give Red: Donate Blood
The “Ideal” Woman

In Harmful Hands

The Last of the Zoroastrians

License to Kill

Make a Difference — End Indifference


More Trees, Less Bush

Revitalize America’s Rail Network

SAG on Strike

Save the Sharks

Social Exclusions & Inclusions of Disabled Individuals in Society

Truth Commission for the Congo

Un Gran Trecho
Facebook Groups:
1,000,000 Against Animal Cruelty
Adventures in Colombian Microcredit
American Class Structure
The Child Saver Choice
Concerned Citizens for Rail Transport
Debaters for Speed
End Shark Finning
A Fight Against MCAS Testing
Give Blood!
His & Hers
The Last of the Zoroastrians
Marine Sanctuaries
More Trees, Less Bush
PMC Watch
SAG on Strike
Social Exclusions & Inclusions of Disabled Individuals in Society
Spread Knowledge and Help End FGM
Truth Commission for the Congo
Voters in Opposition to E-Voting (V.O.T.E.)
Wake Up! End Indifference and Make a Difference
The Women’s ‘Ideal’
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