Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Your Help is Needed!

In West Virginia, there is a beautiful, old-growth forest on a mountain that is in danger of being completely destroyed.  Coal River Mountain is being targeted by the Massey Energy Co., headed by CEO Don Blankenship, for mountaintop removal coal mining.

Now, who is Don Blankenship?  Only one of the most worst examples of corporate bribery and strong-arming for favors in the history of the United States.  Some examples:
  1. He has spent millions to place a favorable judge on the West Virginia Supreme Court so he could end a lawsuit.
  2. He has spent another couple million to buy another judge when he was caught in Monaco with the other  one.
  3. He has spent millions on smear campaigns to get his guys elected to judgeships and other positions of power.
  5. He was responsible for the deaths of the miners in the Aracoma mine, because of the hundreds of safety violations that were ignored.
  6. He makes $15 million a year, and spends $9 million of it on bribes and strong-arm tactics to get his way.
Now, he wants to destroy an area that has been settled by farmers dating back to the Revolutionary War.  Not only will he destroy a historic community, he will ruin the environment.  Mountaintop removal mining is easily the most destructive form of mining, as it completely reduces everything around it to mounds of acidic rubble.

The area has already been studied as a possible wind farm - more jobs, longer-lasting energy benefits, and the environment would be preserved.  Now that Blankenship has his sights set, it is only too likely that he will force his mining through.  But we need to stand up against him, and his kind.  We voted Barack Obama into office, saying NO! to the Bush years of buddy rewards - let's not lose that ideal now.  You can start by SIGNING THE PETITION.  But you can also CALL WEST VIRGINIA GOVERNOR JOE MANCHIN at 1-888-438-2731.  Tell him not to let Blankenship have his way.  Tell him to put a hold on the mining permit.  Because we can't let this happen - it would be a repudiation of everything we voted for when we voted Obama inot office.

For more information, and links about the background of this issue and Blankenship, visit The Daily Kos.


Alysi said...

I have signed the petition. We need to put a stop to this monster. Our environment is going down hill quickly and we don't need to make things worse but actually better. Lets stop tis guy before we are sorry.

Abby M said...

If anything, we should be working on making the environment a place where our children and grandchildren can live without breathing in chemicals. This dangerous man should be stopped, I encourage everyone to sign the petition and help stop this man before he destroys the land. I believe that we should contribute in making the environment a more cleaner place. Signing the petition may be step 1, but you can also help by picking up litter on the floor and carpooling when you can. Small differences do make a big change.