Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Palin accuses Obama for having ties to a "radical professor" at Columbian University

Palin says that Obama has ties to Columbian University professor, Rashid, Khalidi; stating that he used to be the spokes person for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Of course Obama's website says that Palin's remarks are false. Palin feels that she is not negative campaigning but "calling someone out of their record.”But what does that means if it's not suppose to created bad media for Obama's campaign? Palin also states that Rashid Khalidi is another radical professor from the neighborhood who spent a lot of time with Obama.
However, the McCain campaign has repeatedly try to show that Obama has also has ties to the 1960's radical, William Ayers, founder of Weather Underground and a professor of Illinois. This just shows how desperate both McCain and Palin are in terms of their own campaign is not going well so the only thing left is to make their opponent, Barack Obama look bad. The Obama
The Obama campaign called Pallin’s remarks "recycled manufactured controversy from the McCain campaign to distract voters’ attention from John McCain support of President Bush. It also raises the question of why wasn't this issue brought to attention six months ago? The answer to that is that there's a week left from picking Obama who has an advantage and electing him as president.
Obama said McCain has spent the last few days calling him "every name in the book and don't know what's next. By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten. I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich," Obama said.
McCain is just trying to distract voters because time is winding down to the election and he lost his advantage. All he has is Palin who looks more radical than Obama bringing up allegations now that the election is close. I’m sure it wouldn’t do much justice because the election is leading to Obama no matter what story she tells. It is weird that both McCain and Palin decide to bring up bad stories about Obama now, where was this earlier in the campaign? It just looks like a secret weapon gone badly.

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