Tuesday, November 4, 2008

State of Terrorism

A video on YouTube, a debate on Firing Line in the '60's between conservative intellectual Bill Buckley and MIT Linguistics professor and leftist intellectual, Noam Chompsky, gives outdated but relevant opinion on topics of war, terrorism, and US foreign policy.

The video highlights many faults of US diplomacy, and also the political theory that Chomsky and Buckley found their opinions on. This established their critique of the subject correctly, civilly, arguing with words instead of malicious slander. Buckley raises issues of morality in war terms and debates military force as a tool for diplomacy, while Chomsky argues the justification of the Vietnam War that can be used as rational in this generation's War in Iraq. Buckley then reasons that the goal of such military diplomacy is to stabilize a region through force, a method archaic and unnecessary, and also one that will lead to continued hatred towards America's foreign policy. It seems that the only way the political right knows how to fix things is by offensively defending American military hubris with our tax-funded "Defense" Department. Perhaps the opinions of the academic elite of yesteryear can shed some histrical light on today's situation. 

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