Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Winograd and Hais would argue that this election will act as pivotal and could possible change America forever. If Obama wins, he strengthens our vague sense of culture by embodying democracy in its truest sense. The unusual experience of having a black president would set a new precedent for future generations, as a national intermediary that extends beyond, and will possibly change the media. Either way, we face some national challenges in the coming years. Gas prices will inevitably go up as we crawl out of the recession, we have a war to finish (quickly), and an entire new generation to provide jobs for. Equality has finally broken through political doors and will hopefully break down many other social, economical, and educational barriers in the future. Our culture will rise from its imperialistic ashes to create a new face for America in equality, consciousness, and progressivism.  

1 comment:

Nick F said...

To be fair, wouldn't you be more than a little upset if someone took your chance to be President?