Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2013: The end of the world?

According to CNN, A Biological terror attack will most likely take place. This attack will be more powerful than any nuclear weapon every created. This biological weapon will hit somewhere in the world and the results will be "devastating". According to Bob Graham, a former senator, "It would be 9/11 times 10 or a hundred in terms of the number of people who would be killed." The shocking article also related this attack to the flu virus that killed millions in 1918. The attack will kill millions and leave thousands of people if not millions with life-threatening diseases. If this is true, security should be taken more seriously around the world. Biological Research Laboratories need to be watched over, and airports need to be safe and protected at all times. It is scary what a group of people can do to the world. Scientists believe that terrorists are going to threaten peace around the world. The article mentioned that if the attack does happen it will most likely come from three major countries that are now producing nuclear weapons, the three countries are North Korea, Iran and Pakistan. This does not make sense at all, why would scientists come up with a year of when the world would is going to be under attack? What people are trying to do now is spread peace and try to repair the world and not predict future attacks. If anything, I believe that most of us are trying to move on and look forward to a bright future. I think that as young and aware citizens we should be able to speak out about this topic and be able to disagree with the fact that attacks are going to take place in the near future. The world is already suffering a series of wars; I do not believe that a biological attack will make everything better. Are we looking at World War 3? 

For more information click here. 


Zack Mans said...
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Zack Mans said...

I believe Albert Einstein said it best, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with. But I know World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
It truly is frightening, knowing how close we are to destroying everything - over what? Politics? Religion? Ego? Such petty trivialities that hold some much fear and power behind those simple words.
What have we done to the world? Truly, what have we done? Because of our foolish actions, and the actions/inactions of the generations before us, the world has changed into something horrible - filled with the tension and fear that at any moment we could lose it all. I want a world where my children would never have to worry day-by-day whether or not tomorrow will come, or whether the blinded governments of the world will decide to throw it all away. I want a world where my children, and their children will never have to give that even a second thought.
I work at a small elementary school in the Kindergarten and first grade room - I see the children and their naivity about the world around them. I wish they would stay that way forever, I wish they never have to know and live in a world like that. It pains me to what the world has become. Hopefully, one day, things will be better. Maybe there is something we can do now to help make that possible. There just might be a chance to prevent that future from transpiring... just maybe.