Tuesday, December 2, 2008

guess foreign policy is a big deal after all...

So, the economy is still a pretty big deal, but after the terrorist attacks in India, foreign policy has jumped to the forefront of a lot of peoples minds. So whats going to happen?

Well, Obama has defended his belief that, if terrorists flee the US into Pakistan, they can be pursued. But it will be interesting to see what his opinion is about India pursueing terrorists into Pakistan, which is where the attacks are believed to have originated from.

But besides other issues like Russia, Al Queada, Iran, and Iraq, Obama will also have to deal with one of the worlds new great powers: China.

In recent years China has had an economic growth rate 3 times that of the US, and while it is estimated that both will drop in the next few years, the best estimates are that the US will have a growth rate of 1%, while China will have a rate of 5%. If China is growing five times faster than the US, then it will not be long until the US is surpassed as the worlds leading power.

As if Obama didn't have enough on his plate with the economy, he now has to deal with all of this to? The task laid before him was already more difficult than any President has ever faced, but this is almost impossible. Hopefully he live up to expectations. Because it is very possible that America as we know it is at an end. Will the US continue to be a leading power, or will constant economic decline, terrorist attacks, and the success of other nations lead to us being the beggar of the world?

1 comment:

Alex said...

That China reaches a parity with the United States is something to consider but by no means a forgone conclusion. Every since the events of tienemen square the country has existed on the notion that the government will provide the growth if the people will keep quiet about political reform. Even with the high growth rates we saw until very recently their were riots, tens of thousands of them, all across the hinterland of china. What kept the Communists secure was the fact that those in the cities were making money hand over fist. As the global economy slows one has to wonder how China will satisfy what will be a flustered and emboldened urban middle class while keeping the peace with the peasants.