Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama to Choose Richardson for Secretary of Commerce

A Democratic source close to president-elect Obama has told CNN that Obama is likely to choose New Mexico governor Bill Richardson for his Secretary of Commerce. According to this source Obama has had Richardson on his list for cabinet members and also spoke to him about the position during November. CNN senior political correspondent Candy Crowley was quoted as saying "He brings to this plate, in particular in an era where the economy is the focus of attention, a lot of skills that could be put to use -- perhaps opening up marketplaces for U.S. products abroad". If this is true to be one of the reasons that Obama is seeking him then it shows that the economy is still first ad foremost on Obama's agenda. 
Richardson was considering running for the 2008 presidential election, however after a poor showing the New Hampshire primaries he dropped out and later endorsed Obama. 


Alysi said...

I like the fact that Obama is showing society that he is working on making this economy better. With just over a month we will have a new president but he surly has started to do his work as our new leader.

Alex said...

My question is why would Bill Richardson want to leave his governorship of New Mexico just to get Secretary of Commerce. The man has already been to Washington before and Commerce is really nothing to write home and tell the family about. I would think that from a political stand point he would be much better positioned from New Mexico then as an aparachik in the capital, lets face it the only time you here about the commerce secretary is when he or she does something really boneheaded. If Richardson see's this as his best chance at advancement, it certainly says something about Richardson.